

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Discussion Questions:

  • What is the difference between being shrewd and being wise?
  • Read Proverbs 12:23. What is this Proverb saying? How do you see this play out in everyday life?
  • Read Proverbs 14:15. What is this Proverb saying? How do you see this play out in everyday life?
  • Pastor Chuck reminded us that the term “shrewd” was also used to describe the serpent in Genesis 3:1 (also translated “crafty”). Read through Genesis 3:1-5 and discuss the ways in which the serpent was shrewd. How do you see this sort of devious “shrewdness” in our world today?
  • The Scriptures seem to use this word “shrewd” in different ways. While “shrewdness” is upheld as a mark of the wise in Proverbs, it is portrayed as a characteristic of evil in Genesis 3. In reality, the word is ambiguous, neither inherently good nor bad. Shrewdness can be used for good or for evil. Pastor Chuck said that some of the markers of Christian shrewdness are:
    • Asking Good Questions—We must seek to understand people by remaining silent, listening to their story, and then asking good questions.
    • Knowing God’s Word—We must allow the Scriptures to have access to our lives so that we might be changed.
    • Understanding people with Compassion and Empathy.
    • Seeking to protect the most vulnerable.

Take some time for self-examination, reflecting both as individuals and as the church:

  • In which of these areas (markers of shrewdness) do we need to grow?
  • In which of these areas do we excel?
  • How can you be more shrewd this week?