Shaken, Not Stirred
Shaken, Not Stirred
Sunday, February 07, 2021
Jeff Mattesich
- Nehemiah 5:1-19
- Courageous Faith: Lessons in Nehemiah
- 36 mins 38 secs
- Views: 396
Read Nehemiah 5:1-19
- What are the circumstances of the Jews crying out for help in verses 1-5? Make a list of their grievances. What was Nehemiah’s response to their cries (v. 6-7a)?
- Nehemiah demands that the nobles “walk in the fear of our God” in vs. 9. What is the fear of the LORD? (For more insight, take a look at Proverbs 1:7, Exodus 1:6-17, and Matt 10:16-20 & 26-31) What keeps us from walking in the fear of the LORD?
- How does Nehemiah propose they make things right in verses 9-13? What do you think about this proposal? What did he do in order to ensure they stayed true to their promises?
- Nehemiah invited the nobles and officials to make restitution for their unjust practices and exploitation among the people. Do you see any injustices or exploitation in our current economic system? What does that look like in today’s world? What would restitution look like for the people of God?
- In verses 14-19, what do we learn about the sacrifices Nehemiah made when he was governor in the land of Judah? Why did he live this way?
- Rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall and helping the people of God seemed to be more important to Nehemiah than getting his rightful compensation. He also invited his fellow Jews to sacrifice their own rights. What kinds of rights do you think Christians need to sacrifice today in order to participate in God’s mission? How has God called you to sacrifice your own personal rights in order to live out the gospel? *
*This question was informed by Ezra and Nehemiah from The Navigators