This week, Jesus speaks to us about not judging our neighbor. Why is judgment so widespread in Christian circles? Why are we so tempted to judge one another?
What point is Jesus making with the parable about the carpenter’s workshop in verses 3-5?
In verse 5, Jesus uses the word “hypocrite” for the first and only time in reference to a disciple. What do you make of that?
The “hypocrites” in this passage aren’t deliberately deceptive, hiding their sins; instead, they are completely unaware of their own short-comings. Why do we struggle with self-awareness? What are some practices that enable you to “take the plank out of your own eye,” growing in your self-awareness?
Jesus isn’t saying here that we should turn a blind eye to injustice and evil. On the contrary, we are invited throughout the Scriptures to help one another live better and fuller lives. What kind of posture, attitudes, and outlooks should we cultivate as we invite people to become more rightly aligned to the ways of God?
In what situations do you find yourself slipping into judgmental attitudes in this season of quarantine? How do you need to live differently this week, in light of this passage?