Sunday, September 12, 2021
Chuck Hunt
- Psalm 8:1-9
- Together Life: Psalms of Experience
- 59 mins 42 secs
- Views: 377
Questions for Reflection
Read Psalm 8
- In what ways do we fail to live out this calling to steward the earth? How could we live out this calling more fully and become better stewards?
- Take a moment to read Genesis 1:26-31 and Psalm 8:6-8. According to these passages, what is God’s calling for humanity? What does it mean that we are rulers over the works of God’s hands and that God put everything under our feet?
- What does this Psalm say about the value of humanity, our place in the universe? How is this understanding of humanity different from what the world says about us?
- What causes the Psalmist to marvel at God? What causes you to marvel at God?
- What repetitions do you see in this passage? What is the significance of the repetitions?
- Close your time together in this guided prayer based on Psalm 8:
- First say Psalm 8 out loud as a group. This was written for corporate worship, so let’s say it together, out loud.
- Next, take some time to praise God.
- Third, spend some time in confession, repenting of the ways we fail to represent God well in the world around us; repent of the ways we fail to steward God’s creation.
- Last, pray that we might bear God’s image where we live, work, and play, and that our ways would be more like His ways.
Psalm 8: Who Are We chorus:
We are made in your likeness,
To care for all that you have made.
We are crowned with your glory,
To bring you glory, honor, and praise.
Let our ways, be your ways in all the universe.
Let our ways, be your ways in all the universe.