Prayer Priority

Prayer Priority

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Read Acts 4:23-31

  1. After the religious rulers ordered Peter and John to be silent about Jesus, what was the response of the believers (vs. 24)? What is your own common response in times of fear and worry? How can you remind yourself to be more like the believers?
  2. Looking at the believers’ prayer, examine what they believe about God. What has God made (vs. 24)? What did God say (vs. 25-26)? What has God decided (vs. 27-28)? And, what was God’s response to their prayer (vs. 31)?
  3. What things did the believers ask from the LORD in verses 29-30? What priorities do you see in them?
  4. How has God answered your prayers mightily in the past? When did you have a prayer time with other believers that was a powerful experience? Share these stories with LAC at .
  5. For more questions and to dive deeper into Acts 2, please pick up a copy of the Acts Curriculum in the Worship Lobby or view it on-line at