Prayer and Justice
Prayer and Justice
Sunday, August 02, 2020
Annie Neufeld
- Luke 18:1-8
- Truth & Wisdom
- 35 mins 57 secs
- Views: 446
Questions for Reflection
Read Luke 18:1-8
- Read the parable thinking about the widow (vs. 2-6). What do we learn about the widow? Describe her. What might her motivations be? There are many in our society pleading for justice repeatedly. Who are some of them? How does it feel when you asked repeatedly for something just and right to those who do not seem to care (at home, at work, etc)?
- Read the parable again thinking about the judge (vs 2-6). What do we learn about the judge? Describe him. What are (and aren’t) his motivations? Consider, when have you helped someone not because you cared about their situation but because you were concerned about what they would do to you, or you were tired of being pestered?
- What is the purpose Jesus telling this parable, (vs 1)? Spend time pleading with God for what you need. Doing so shows are ‘Resolute Hope’ as Pastor Annie Neufeld taught us. We can pray desperate, hopeful, Intimate and constant prayers. How do these prayers show our faith (referred to in vs. 8)?
- What does Jesus teach us about God (vs. 6-8)? What justice can you plead through prayer to God for others or for yourself, saying “Thy Kingdom come…?”
- Where are you in a place of power, like the judge, knowing we all have some power? Where can you be the answer to someone else’s need for justice? Where is God calling you to intentionally choose discomfort or even suffering in order to bring justice and to make others whole?