Patient People
Patient People
Jeff Mattesich
- Acts 1:1-11
- This is Us: The Church from Acts to Today
- 45 mins 33 secs
- Views: 612
Questions for Reflection
Read Acts 1:1-11
- In vs. 4-5 Jesus told his followers to wait. What might they be feeling? What is being promised? Why is this good news?
- What do Jesus’ followers get to know about the future (vs. 7-11)? What don’t they get to know? Why is this an important distinction even for today?
- What will be Jesus’ followers role or task be as they go forward (vs. 8)? What will they be given in order to accomplish it? How do you see yourself accomplishing this task, too?
- A witness must give their own personal account of what they experienced. How have you experienced Jesus?
- For more questions and to dive deeper into Acts 1, please pick up a copy of the Acts Curriculum in the Worship Lobby or view it on-line where sermons are posted.
Study Notes
Series Intro
German Psychologist Erik Erickson famous for his theory on “Identity Crisis”
- Summarized by “identity cohesion” vs. “role confusion”
- Erickson: most acute during adolescence
- Identity Crisis in our culture is much bigger than “adolescence”
- Essential Question of Identity is: Who am I?
I want to be clear with you that I believe the “church” is an identity crisis, and Lake is in that observation. Why do I think this?
- Plethora of books, conferences, and blogs on how to “do” church
- Reduced down to formulas, techniques, tips, advice, and storytelling on “what we did”
- Church is seen as a building or a venue (not a people)
- Church is about consuming – “getting fed”
- Church is about the pastor, and the need for a pastor to be really (fill in the blank)
It leaves me asking the fundamental question of Identity: Who are we?
And, this is why we are spending the next 10 weeks in search of truthful answers to who we are to be!
The Word of God is our authority, and the book of Acts will be our guide and teacher.
Framing the Book of Acts
Acts is second volume of a 2-part work, Luke is the first volume. So often referred to as Luke/Acts.
Narrative Writing and when you dig into this you will see that there are 2 main ways people think about the work:
- “Descriptive” – back then
- “Prescriptive” – for now
- BOTH is how we read this – descriptive and prescriptive – a story we can find ourselves in – THIS IS US
The Book of Acts triggers passions for many of us – unlike many other books. If we know it, we identify deeply to different and specific aspects of the narratives.
Example: In the 11 verses for today I can count at least 7 different sermons: (Resurrection, Assentation, Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, Local Missions, Global Missions, discipleship, and Waiting/Patience”
My Point is that if you love Acts for specific reason or stories, you will be disappointed in this series at some point (if your story isn’t emphasized as you have connected with it)
We are not hitting the whole book and over the course of the 10 weeks we will have large jumps in the text – so study along the way, read up in-between weeks!
So many great resources to help you with this, let me suggest 3. If you were to get one, I would say get John Stott’s Commentary on Acts. We will try and get some at the table. The other two are a commentary by Willie James Jennings and a book called Who is the Holy Spirit by Amos Young, who is the newly named Dean of School of Theology and The School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller. He will actually come and preach a week during this series with us in November.
Now that we have covered why we are doing this and some general overview of the book of Acts – lets jump in.
Would you stand for the reading of God’s Word?
In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with[a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with[b] the Holy Spirit.”
6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Sermon (Acts 1:1-11): A Patient People
What has happened so far:
- Easter Sunday has come and gone
- And Jesus keep appearing for 40 days to the apostles
- Over these 40 days we see that was teaching them, preparing them – But the text tells us in verse 4 that he gave them a command
- Command to wait, to do nothing.
On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 1:4-5
Wait! But there were people mocking Jesus days before, they could go and prove them wrong!
There were people in need of Jesus, there was healing to happen, conversion to be done, love to give…but Jesus tells them to stay put and wait… to be patient.
They were not asked to be patient because there weren’t things to do (there was plenty of need), so what was Jesus doing here with this command?
We will see that patience was hard for the apostles and patience is hard for us still today. But, when I reflect on the role patience has played in my life, I have some to see:
There are some amazing things that happen when we wait.
There are some amazing things that happen in this text as the apostles “wait”.
- We can learn the right PERSPECTIVE (1:3-7)
Notice that during this 40-day period, Jesus was teaching them. He didn’t finish his training with them at his death, through resurrection there is still more teaching for followers of Jesus. We read in verse 3 that he specifically was teaching them about the Kingdom of God.
3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.
We also read in these verses about Jesus teaching and referring to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was teaching them about 2 very deep truths of the Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit.
These are not light topics… and we see that the apostles were having a hard time understanding them. Verse 6:
6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.
Jesus was teaching about the Kingdom and Holy Spirit
The Apostles were thinking about Israel and the Itinerary
One way to think about this is:
- Kingdom and Israel: “the who”
- Holy Spirit and Itinerary: “the how”
They needed time with the resurrected Jesus to learn from him. To understand his teachings, his ways, the kingdom, the holy spirit -
The Resurrected Jesus is still teaching…we still much to learn… and we can learn best when we find a way to “wait” with Jesus… to linger with him.
The Right Perspective: getting our who and how right…. This happens when we wait, when we linger with the Resurrected Jesus.
LAC: are you lingering with Jesus? Kingdom and Holy Spirit and you?
Another thing that this text teaches us about what happens when we wait…
- We can grasp our PURPOSE (1:8)
There are 2 aspects to grasping our purpose I want us to see from verse 8. Becoming and Mission.
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
- Becoming: Our purpose is to become a witness
Becoming vs. Doing: there is a “doing” but the call here is to “become” first (notice the order)
LAC, great at doing! More! More! More!
What about becoming? Witness isn’t just something we do, it is someone we become
- Mission: Our purpose is to become a witness to Jesus… to all people, all places, all times
Just cities for many of us… geographic concentric circle… sort of told emotionless. From Pasadena, to Nevada, to USA, to the Globe.
When the apostles hear this these locations and this mission it was super intimidating. It included enemies, pagans, differing cultures, ugly history –
Acts as a whole follows this mission… what God does in:
Jerusalem: Acts 2-7
Judea and Samaria: Acts 8-12
Nations and Ends of the Earth: Acts 13-28
Mission: all people, all places, all times… no god forsaken place or person. We are here beicase of this mission…
Transition: how do we become this? This seems really hard? Here comes the freedom, the freedom that comes in waiting… we learn that it is not about us, not about you… not in your own strength, intellect, plans…
Because in waiting we learn that:
- We will receive POWER (1:8)
Back to verse 8:
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The power we need to be fulfill our purpose is not something we muster or earn, it is gift we are given. The gift of the Holy Spirit!
Many of us might think that the apostles who were with the resurrected Jesus had the best seats in the house…
What is better than Jesus beside you? The Holy Spirit inside you!
Holy Spirit can be a loaded topic, we will not get through this all today (but guess what? The Spirit is all over Acts so get ready!)
Quickly, there seem to be 2 extremes when it comes to understanding and talking about the Spirit.
One extreme is in a common maxim: Father, Son, and Holy Bible. Easier to understand, less mystery, more control, tighter theology and experience of God. Lack of Trinitarian Theology.
The other extreme also lacks Trinitarian Theology because it elevates the Spirit above the Father and the Son – making the Holy Spirit outside of the Trinity.
For us at Lake, I love how our Statement of Faith declares our belief about the Holy Spirit:
We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He makes sinful people alive to God through faith in Christ, and through the Spirit they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs into the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
Lake Avenue Church Statement of Faith
He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
Let me reduce this down: To fulfill the mission, to become the witness we are called to be – it is not about you and your own power. In fact, we know that it is in our weakness that Christ power is made all the more… this is the crazy part of following Jesus! Beyond, crazy – this is the freedom found in following Jesus!
Not about you …in your own power and strength
His Spirit gives us power for the purpose!
We often see the Holy Spirit like we do our mobile phones… a battery charging mentality… load me up and send me out until I need some more…
The living God has given you a charging station to go get some more of God when you need some – he has given you and me his very presence and when we accept Christ we are given his Spirit and his Spirit is the one with the power fuel us in our ‘Christ-like living and service”
Let me be clear – the church is not a plug in station… this is part of the identity crisis we have found ourselves in.
Summary of Acts 1:1-11
- Perspective – what is true
- Purpose – what we are to become and what our mission is
- Power – how this all happens…
But I have one final thought: I see in these verses an invitation. An invitation to PRAYER.
Waiting doesn’t mean nothing… I see this as an Invitation to prayer, to relationship with Jesus.
Invitation to Intimacy and Dependency
LAC, do you hear an invitation from the resurrected Jesus? He wants us to linger with him… so we can become and then “do”. He wants us to understand his ways… his kingdom, the holy spirit, he wants to change our hearts for the places and people we don’t like or frankly, care all that much about… and he will give us power for the journey, for the mission… we will see this throughout Acts… and it will be the same invitation to us today – because, This is Us.
Do you want intimacy? Dependency?
We are not the first time in history the church had an identity crisis… when the church needed a revival. The famous pastor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who led for almost 30 years at the Westminster Chapel in London said something decades ago that we need to hear today… that when a church knows something needs to change…
Conservatives would rather work to reform church theology and practice. Intellectuals doubt super natural intervention. Rationalists dismiss emotional enthusiasm. All convene committees and organized campaigns but few will plead for revival. – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Will you plead with me? Will you accept the invitation to be a patient people? Not so we can do nothing… but so we can become. So we can linger some with the resurrected Jesus – understand and know our mission, receive his power – and watch him work for his glory?
Chinese Study Notes
I 介紹本系列
* “我們做了什麼”被簡化成公式、技術、捷徑、勸告和講故事
1提阿費羅大人哪,在前一卷書中,我確實寫了有關耶穌開始做的和教導的一切事,2一直到他藉著聖靈吩咐了他所揀選的使徒們之後,被接升天的那一天為止。3耶穌受難之後,用很多確據向這些人顯明自己是活著的。他在四十天的時間裡向他們顯現,並且講說有關神國的事。4耶穌和他們聚集的時候,吩咐他們說:“不要離開耶路撒冷,而要等候父所應許的,就是你們從我聽到的,5因為約翰是用水施洗,但過不了多少日子,你們就要受聖靈的洗。” 6於是聚集的時候,他們就問耶穌說:“主啊!你復興以色列國,是否在這時候呢?” 7耶穌對他們說:“父憑著自己的權柄所定的時候和日期,不是你們可以知道的。8不過聖靈臨到你們的時候,你們將得著能力,並且要在耶路撒冷,在猶太和撒馬利亞全地,直到地極,做我的見證人。” 9說了這些話,耶穌就在他們的注視中被接升天,有一朵雲彩把他接去,他們就看不見他了。10正當耶穌離去,他們注目望天的時候,忽然有兩個身穿白衣的人站在他們旁邊,11說:“各位加利利人哪,你們為什麼站在這裡望著天呢?這位從你們中間被接到天上去的耶穌,將來也要這樣回來,就像你們看到他升天那樣。” 9說了這些話,耶穌就在他們的注視中被接升天,有一朵雲彩把他接去,他們就看不見他了。10正當耶穌離去,他們注目望天的時候,忽然有兩個身穿白衣的人站在他們旁邊,11說:“各位加利利人哪,你們為什麼站在這裡望著天呢?這位從你們中間被接到天上去的耶穌,將來也要這樣回來,就像你們看到他升天那樣。”
III講道 (徒1:1-11): 作個有耐心的人
耶穌和他們聚集的時候,吩咐他們說:“不要離開耶路撒冷,而要等候父所應許的,就是你們從我聽到的,5因為約翰是用水施洗,但過不了多少日子,你們就要受聖靈的洗。” 徒1:4-5
等候? 但是幾天前還有人嘲弄耶穌,他們要去證明這些人的不是!還有人需要耶穌,需要得救治、被勸慰、得著愛…但耶穌告訴他們要等待,要有耐心。
- 我們可以學到正確的看法(1:3-7)
於是聚集的時候,他們就問耶穌說:“主啊!你復興以色列國,是否在這時候呢?” 耶穌對他們說:“父憑著自己的權柄所定的時候和日期,不是你們可以知道的。
*神國和以色列: “誰”
*聖靈和時間表: “如何”
Lake 教會啊,你正與耶穌在一起嗎?國度、聖靈和你是什麼關係?
- 我們可以把握我們的目標 (1:8)
1)成為: 我們的目的是成為見證人。
成為與做事:確實要做事,但這裡首先說的是“成為” (注意順序)
我們教會在做事方面沒得說,且要做 多!多!多!
2)使命: 我們的目的是成為耶穌的見證人…對所有人,在所有地方,在所有時候
耶路撒冷: 徒 2-7
猶太和撒瑪利亞: 徒 8-12
萬國直到地極: 徒 13-28
使命: 所有人、所有的地方、所有的時間…沒有神所忘記的地方和神所忘記的人。我們之所以在這裡,就是因為這使命…
- 我們必得著能力 (1:8)
總結徒 1:1-11
*目的 --我們要成為什麼以及我們的使命是什麼
Lake 教會啊,你聽見復活的耶穌的邀請了嗎?他要我們與他在一起,好使我們能先“成為”,然後再“做”;他要我們認識他的道、他的國,認識聖靈;他要改變我們的心,要我們去關心我們不喜歡的地方和人群…他要給我們能力踏上征途,去完成使命…我們將在整個使徒行傳看到這一點…這也是他今天對我們的邀請—因為,這就是我們!