Our Turn
Our Turn
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Scott White & Ray Thompson
- John 13:31-38
- "Love - Jesus" Lenten Teaching Series
- 37 mins 59 secs
- Views: 376
Read John 13:31-38
- The word “glory” is repeated 5 times in this passage. What is God’s glory? How have you seen God’s glory revealed in your life? How is God’s glory revealed in Jesus?
- What is the new command Jesus gives His disciples in verse 34? Read Leviticus 19:18. Knowing that love was central to God’s law in the Old Testament, how was Jesus’ command “new”? What kind of love was He talking about here? *
- Jesus says that the world will know we are his disciples if we love one another. Why is love a sign that someone is following Jesus?
- Take a moment to reflect on the Church (globally) in our capacity to love one another. What do we communicate to the world about Jesus when we fail to love? How could we do better? Who is someone you need to love as Christ loves you this week?
- (After watching the Small Groups video for this week…) Take some time to do the practice Pastor Jeanine did with her family. Brainstorm for 3 minutes what has been broken or missing this last year. Share 2 or 3 things. Pray for each other, that God will redeem those things in the coming days and years. Dialogue together, how can we participate in the redemptive work that God is doing in someone else’s life? This is the love that Jesus talks about in John 13:34-35, so give each other practical action steps. As Pastor Scott said, “Redemption is always an action. Love is always a decision.” “Stay Ready,” (Ray Thompson) church family with prayer and action to participate in God’s rescue plan!
*This question was influenced by N.T. Wright’s book, John for Everyone: 26 Studies for Individuals and Groups