

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Read Matthew 28:16-20

  • There is an interesting detail in verse 17: “When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.” What is the significance of this detail? How does it shape our understanding of the disciples? How does it shape our understanding of the Great Commission?
  • Jesus says that all authority has been given to Him, and then He says: “Therefore, go and make disciples…” What does the authority of Jesus have to do with the call to make disciples?
  • What does it mean to “make disciples” (vs. 19)?
  • What cultural boundaries were involved in Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (vs. 19)? What cultural boundaries is God inviting you to cross as you live out the Great Commission?
  • In what ways has Jesus been “with” you this past year? How is God’s “with-ness” related to our witness?
  • Our mission at Lake Avenue Church is inspired from this passage: “Following Jesus, we participate in God’s reconciling work by making disciples of all peoples and all generations.” How have you seen this lived out here at Lake? How might God be calling you to live out this calling in your own context?