Livin' My Life Like It's Golden

Livin' My Life Like It's Golden

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Read Philippians 4:4-9

(The sermon text is verses 4-8, but we will begin with verse 1 for our small group study.)

  • What does Paul command the Philippians in verses 4-6? Take a moment to read Phil 4:1-3. What is the context of this passage? How does this context inform our understanding of Paul’s commands in verses 4-6?

  • Paul says that we ought to rejoice, be gentle, and live without worry because “the Lord is near.” (vs. 5) In what ways does the Lord’s nearness affect our joy, gentleness, and anxiety? What helps you to know that the Lord is near?

  • What does Paul say in this passage about prayer? What kinds of things do you tend to pray about? What situations are you less likely to pray about? Why?

  • What does it mean that the peace of God “guards” our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus? What do our hearts and minds need to be guarded against? How have you experienced peace through prayer? *

  • What does Paul say we should think about in vs. 8? What are the kinds of things that usually occupy our minds? How does this affect our relationships and our joy in the Lord? *

  • What are some of the true, noble, right, pure, lovely, or admirable things God has done this year? Take some time to share in your group, thanking God for his work in our lives.

* \A few of these questions were influenced by CRU’s Philippians Bible Study