Playing Favorites

Playing Favorites

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Small Group Discussion Questions

James 2:1-11

  • Take some time to contrast the rich man and the poor man in verses 2-7. (What is each wearing, how is each treated, etc…) What observations can we make from this contrast?
  • Why is it incongruent and inconceivable for Christians to honor the rich and dishonor the poor, according to verses 5-7?
  • James says that this community has favored the rich, despite being mistreated. Why do you think they treated the rich with such undeserved favor? Who are the “favorites” in our world today and how/why do we put them at the center?
  • James also says that this community has discriminated against and dishonored the poor. Why do you think they failed to love their neighbor well? What keeps us from standing with the poor and marginalized in our world today?
  • What does James say about breaking the law in verses 8-11? Why do you think he includes this theological lesson at this point in his letter?
  • What are some actions that will move us toward prioritizing the poor? What are some habits that might help us to more consistently engage with the marginalized of our world?