How to Deal With Anger
How to Deal With Anger
Greg Waybright
- Proverbs 29
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- 56 mins 2 secs
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Study Notes
How to: Deal with Anger - Week 10 - Study Notes
How to: Deal with Anger
Proverbs 29:11, 25:28
Anyone who is slow to anger has great understanding,
But anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish he is (Proverbs 14:29).
Today we’ll be looking at what the Book of Proverbs says about one of the most impactful parts of our human temperament, i.e., anger. I find it to be one of the most difficult topics to prepare for in this entire series. Why? It’s because human anger is usually destructive. In my years as a pastor, I have met with countless people whose lives have been physically or emotionally devastated by anger. But – anger is not always destructive. In fact, the Old Testament alone speaks 490 times of God being angry about wickedness in the world. And the New Testament confirms it, especially in Romans 1:18, which tells us that the anger of God is focused against all that is evil in our world. And, when we read the many Proverbs about anger, we do not find any of them telling us never to be angry. Instead, the Bible tells us how to deal with anger – even how to utilize anger to further God’s kingdom.
So, when I speak about anger, I must warn you strongly about its destructive capability. At the same time, there are times you should be angry – as God is! What is challenging is that I know that many people who attend our church who are victims of a lot of sinful and destructive violence coming from angry people hurting them. So, I have prepared very prayerfully this week – and I want to speak very carefully because I don’t want anyone going away from church blowing up in destructive anger and excusing it by saying, “Pastor Greg said anger is sometimes good – so I’m justified in my anger.” With that in mind, let’s begin.
Anger: The Powerful Secondary Emotion
The Anger Research Consortium of the American Psychological Association tells us this: “Anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to rage. It is a reaction to something else, especially to a perceived threat to ourselves, our loved ones, or to anything we deeply value, e.g., our property, our self-image, or some part of our identity.”
When you see that definition, you see that anger is a secondary emotion, i.e., an emotion caused by something else. It can be caused by fear, envy, loss, boredom, perceived and real injustice, or countless other things. Because of that, there are many times that we feel very angry and we aren’t even sure why. It’s not always to get behind the anger to identify the cause.
Let me give you an example: A man I know became aware that a single woman in his church had become obsessed with him. She set her heart on him and did all she could to develop a relationship with him. The obsession grew so much that she became uncontrollably angry with any woman who spoke with him. That anger became so entrenched in her that she attempted to do physical harm to those she perceived as threats. Do you see it? The anger was a secondary emotion. It was caused by her fear of the loss of something she felt she had to have. And, so it always is. Therefore, when I speak to you in this message about the biblical steps toward dealing with anger, you will have to remember that dealing with anger will always force you to step back to discern its primary causes.
How It Plays Out
I have discovered that people deal with their anger in different ways:
- Blow (the Exploder) – Anger turns many people into dynamite – exploding with abusive words and violent actions. Two verses in Proverbs 15 speak to this. 15:1b: “Harsh words (words that hit us like a weapon) stirs up anger.” And, 15:18 speaks not just of the words but also of the one who speaks them: “A hot-tempered person (one who is out of control) stirs up conflict.”
We all know the destructiveness of angry words and actions so let me point you to how counselors have learned over the years about how not to find help for that explosive anger. When I was a college and later a seminary student in the 70s, all the books I read in my counseling courses said that the say to get rid of anger is to “lance the boil” of the infection of anger in our inner beings. The view was that anger is a limited commodity inside the human made-up and that, if we get it all out in some harmless way (like punching a pillow), we will not be angry anymore. That simply is not true. As an article on the website of the APA confirms, “’Lancing the boil’ as a remedy for anger is a dangerous myth. Research is consistent in showing that letting anger rip on a pillow or piece of furniture actually escalates anger and aggression and does nothing to help either those who are angry or those with whom they are angry…”
Anger fuels more anger. When you lash out with anger at anything, you only learn to lash out. You develop a way of life that explodes with anger and justifies it as healthy.
- Lay Low (the Simmerer) -- In Ephesians 4:26, the Apostle Paul quotes a wisdom Psalm, “Scripture says, ‘When you are angry, do not sin.’ (Psalm 4:4) Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Instead as Proverbs 15:18b tells us, “A person who is slow to anger calms things down.” Do you see it? What the Bible calls for is not to explode but this does not mean that we just let things sit and simmer inside. Those of you who know me will know that I’m much more inclined toward this response than toward the explosion. Many times, simmerers simply hope the problem will go away and run to diversions like watching TV or getting busy or even to drinking and medication. So, let me tell you this: Just letting anger simmer inside and go undealt with is not a better way to deal with anger. Anger is a terrible overnight guest. It settles deep and deep inside our psyche and eventually eats us up personally – and creates unknowable walls for those we are angry with. They’ll sense we are angry but not know why.
- Pretend No (the Denier) – This person finds it hard to face the fact that he/she is deeply angry and chooses instead to cover it up by making excuses. “That’s just the way I am so you have to accept it.” “I’m a truth-speaker.” When the seriousness of the anger is denied, neither the anger nor the cause of that anger goes away.
In contrast to these, Proverbs tells you to “Go Slow” – to be slow to anger -- when you are angry. And we are told that this is the course of action that actually has a positive impact in this world. 16:32 -- It is better to be slow to anger than to be mighty. It is better to control your temper than to takes a city.
The Bible’s call to us to be slow and deliberate when angry has to do with the power of anger and its potential to bring about harm or healing. Let’s think about why this is so.
The Power of Anger to Bring Harm or Healing
Let me speak directly and soberly to you now: One of the painful realities of every pastor’s and every therapist’s calling is how frequently we have to deal with the destructive force of anger. It happens in our homes – in our extended families – in our neighborhoods and at work. This is a deadly serious topic. What is so serious about it? Anger harms:
- Your personal health – 19:19b puts this is an open-ended and haunting way: A person with a bad temper will pay for it… Research is showing that angry people “pay” for their anger in physical, emotional and relational ways. For example, earlier this year, a major research project showed that those who are prone to anger are three times, yes three times, more likely to have fatal heart attacks. (See And the same is true of strokes, high blood pressure and many other physical maladies. One way this physical harm anger leads to for many younger people is seen by the growing number who become angry with their lack of any control over life and whose anger comes out in them cutting themselves. My heart breaks when I hear their stories.
- Your human relationships – 6:34, 15:1 & 18, 29:22 and 30:33 all tell us the same thing: Misdirected anger destroys marriages, families, friendships and whole communities. I am quite sure all of us have experienced this -- most of us sometimes being the angry ones and at other times the ones attacked by someone else’s anger. You know that the Bible is speaking the truth.
- Your relationship to God – This is the main point of 14:16a -- A wise person has respect for the Lord and avoids evil. The other half of that verse tells us that the one who is a fool, i.e., conducting his life as if there is no God, feels secure in his relationship to God even when he is on the path of destruction. If you know you have a problem with anger and, at the same time, feel that it isn’t absolutely urgent that you change, you can be sure you are in trouble spiritually.
- Your impact on the world -- Anger does not end with the one who is angry. It harms everyone and everything – and it has a lasting and multiplying effect. Look at what is at the heart of 22:24-25:
Don’t be a friend of a person who has a bad temper. Don’t go around with a person who gets angry easily. You will soon embrace their habits. And then you too will be trapped by them.
It is frighteningly clear from this passage that misguided anger will be passed on to others: Yes, parents, to your children. Yes, teachers, to your students. Yes, pastors, to your parishioners. And yes, bosses, to your work force. Those you lead or care for will watch and pick up your ways.
But again, I must remind you that there are times that we should be angry.
To see children being abused or neglected and not to be angry about that not a good – but a weakness. To see those who are weak in any way be dealt with unjustly by those in power is something that should make us angry. God’s anger is focused on the evil that has come into his world – and so should ours. John Stott put it so well: “A cool analysis of injustice is necessary as long as it leads to hot anger and action.
I believe that the appropriate outworking of our anger can motivate us to action against evil and injustice and thus lead to healing in this world. When sin entered God’s creation, God both loved the world he made and was angry at the evil in his world. This combination led him to execute a plan that ultimately will end with al things being made right. How might the anger we feel actually lead to healing rather than harm?
Beginning Pastoral Counsel for Turning Anger from Harm to Healing
I must begin by saying this candidly. Dealing with anger when you have a pattern of becoming angry is not easy. You do not have the strength within yourself to break angry patterns. Anger has more in common with chemical addictions than any other emotion. Therefore, I imagine that some among us affected by anger may require the help of a professional godly counselor. We can help you find one if you will let us. But, with that in mind, let me offer some pastoral pulpit help:
#1: Begin with Worship -- as you always should.
By this, I mean that you bring God intentionally into the matter. Acknowledge his presence and his sufficiency for your own anger as well as for the situation you are in. Worship has to do with putting God in the center of your vision. Take time to remember how he deals with his anger about your sin: 1) he calls out the problem and calls it sin when it is, 2) he affirms his love for you and the others concerned, 3) he comes into your life and promises forgiveness, 4) he gives you His Holy Spirit to dwell within. Remember that it is while you were a sinner that Christ died for you. And, as I mentioned earlier, remember that his anger with the sin in this world (including our own lives) that led him to initiate a plan to rescue us.
#2: Be slow in your anger – but intentional.
This is the consistent message about anger in Proverbs – be slow and deliberate in dealing with your anger. Parents and elementary teachers are learning that one of the most helpful things for children when they get angry is to call for a time out. I’m quite sure that’s what the Bible is calling for not only for children but also for those who are older. In the New Testament, James picks this up with the pithy and powerful words in 1:19 – Listen carefully to this, my beloved brothers and sisters: let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger… Putting that together with the Bible’s command not to let the sun go down on our anger, we see that we should be slow to act when we’re angry – but not too slow. What should you do in this slow but deliberate handling of anger? Let me suggest a few steps:
- Take the time for worship and prayer I mentioned before. Learn from God so that you might allow his perspective on things permeate your mind and then direct your actions and words.
- Analyze what is behind your anger. Remember that anger is a secondary emotion. Something else is always behind it. Sometimes what leads us to anger is a rightful anger with the evil and injustice others are experiencing. Much more often, it’s less noble things:
- Envy -- Why was I not invited to the party – or offered the promotion?
- Disappointment – Why did she go out with him instead of me?
- Unfulfilled expectations – “But he promised he would call.”
- Bitterness – When we were in high school, he did this to me…”
I could go on and on about anger’s causes. But, you simply must stop long enough to nail down what is that cause might be. St. Augustine says it’s almost always “disordered loves” or that Tim Keller calls inordinate affections” that lead to anger. In other words, we take something we want and set our hearts on it. It virtually takes the place of God. Then when that thing (that has become an idol in our lives) is threatened, we become angry. When our loves get disordered and we put them into a wrong place in our desires, our anger goes haywire. In haste, we might lash out against a person when really something very different is behind the anger.
Go slow because, in haste, you might lash out against a person when really something very different is behind the anger. Take time to think all this through. Be slow before acting on your anger.
#3: Make plans for how to act and speak in your anger – in ways that will honor God. Do you remember my sermon on seeking guidance and making plans? God has given us minds to bake plans and he commands us to make plans not for evil but for good. Be ready to forgive. Love to show mercy as much as you love justice. Thank and pray about the words you will speak the next time you feel anger coming on.
#4: Stop the offender’s evil through intentionally blessing him. Although the Bible calls us to be slow to anger, it also calls us to step in when what is causing the anger is evil or injustice. But how? I will now take you to some the verses most often used by Dr. Martin Luther King in the commitment to the nonviolence of Jesus being the best way to stop evil. They are found in Proverbs 25:21-22 (and Romans too): If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink. By doing these things, you will pile up burning coals on his head. And the Lord will reward you.
In ancient cities, enemies attacked a fortified city by climbing up the city walls bearing their weapons. Like most angry words and actions, they were planning to do harm. The Bible is saying here that you should not simply let those who mean harm do their evil deeds. Instead, the people of the city usually tried to stop the enemy by pouring hot coals down over the walls and onto their heads. The Bible is saying something here that Jesus demonstrated – but that most in our world find hard to believe, i.e., the best way to stop evil – even evil caused by anger – is to do things that bring blessing to your enemies. Screaming back at them doesn’t change anything. Hitting back only escalates the problem. And I believe that nations and governments must sometimes provide security for people through military strength. But a Christians’ most powerful weapon against any kind of evil is offering to our enemies the mercy that we receive from Jesus.
When evil was thrown at Jesus, he did not offer back hate but forgiveness. He absorbed the blows thrown at him and did not respond with angry words or threats of violence but with the offer of a new life, of eternal life, through faith in him. The Apostle Peter, years later, was still in awe of what Jesus did in 1 Peter 2:21-24: “Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He committed no sin… but when people hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live… By his wounds, we are healed.”
That’s how Jesus dealt with his anger about sin – and about our sins. So, do not ever let anger lead you to repay evil for evil. That is not the way of Jesus. When you are angry, do not sin. Instead, be slow to anger.
Anyone who is slow to anger has great understanding,
But anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish he is.
Proverbs 14:29
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2015, Lake Avenue Church
Chinese Translation
How to: Deal with Anger – Week 10 – Study Notes – Chinese Translation
當我講到忿怒的時候,我必須要提醒大家它的毀壞性力量,然而同時,有些時候你應當生氣,就像神那樣!具有挑戰性的是,我知道很多來教會的人,都曾經是情緒失控者罪惡和暴力的犧牲品。因此,這周我在準備講道的時候,是帶著禱告的心,希望自己講話要很小心,因為我不想要任何人走出教會以後,在他們亂發脾氣的時候,會為這種行為找理由,說:“Greg 牧師說了,生氣是好事,所以我生氣是有道理的。”有了這個前提,我們才可以繼續講下去。
1. 爆發型 – 忿怒把許多人變成炸彈 – 爆炸的同時帶著辱罵的話語和暴力的行為。箴言第十五章有兩節經文談到這件事,15:1說:“言語暴戾,觸動怒氣。”15:18不僅說到言語,而且說到說話的人: “暴怒的人,挑啟爭端”。
2. 低調處理 (隱忍不發者) – 在以弗所書4:26中,使徒保羅引用了詩篇的經節: “生氣卻不要犯罪(詩篇4:4),不可含怒到日落。”而箴言15:18節說:“忍怒的人,止息紛爭。”你看到了嗎?聖經要讓我們做的不是爆發,這並不是說,我們應當坐視不管,隱忍不發。認識我的人都知道,和這種反應比起來,我更傾向於爆發出來。很多時候,隱忍不發的人希望問題會自行解決,於是轉而看電視或忙於其他事,甚至飲酒用藥。讓我告訴你,將忿怒忍於內心而不去處理,並不是處理忿怒的好方法。忿怒是一個可怕的隔夜客人。它沈澱在我們的心底,最終會將我們整個吞噬,並且對我們生氣的對象產生莫名的隔閡。他們會感到我們的忿怒,然而卻不知道是何原因。
3.假裝不知(否定者)-- 這個人發覺一個事實,那就是自己很難面對他/她深感忿怒的人,因此就選擇用借口來掩蓋事實。“我就是這個樣子,所以你必須接受。” 或者“我說的是實話。” 一旦忿怒的嚴肅性被否定,忿怒和忿怒的原因就都歸於無有了。
與此相比,箴言告訴我們,要慢慢地動怒。14:29:“不輕易發怒的,大有聰明,性情暴躁的,大顯愚妄。” 這節經文告訴我們,這種行為的過程其實對這個世界有著正面的影響。16:32:”不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士,治服己心的,強如取城。
• 對你個人健康的傷害 – 19:9以一種開放式和近乎咒詛的方式來表達了這個意思:暴怒的人,必受刑罰……研究表明,愛生氣的人會在身體上、情緒上和人際關系上為他們的忿怒付出代價。比如,今年早些時候,一個重要的研究項目表明,那些容易發怒的人患致命心臟病的幾率是其他人的三倍,是的,三倍。(請看網站 中風、高血壓和許多其他疾病也都是如此。這種傷害身體的忿怒對許多年輕人的影響,可以從近年來不斷上升一些統計數字看出,他們因著對生命缺乏自控而失去生命。每當我聽到他們的故事的時候,都會覺得心碎。
• 對你人際關系的傷害 ---- 6:34; 15:1, 18,;29:22 和30:33中都講到同樣的事情:錯誤導向的忿怒會毀掉婚姻,家庭,友誼,甚至整個社區。我想,我們所有人都曾有過這樣的經歷,我們大多數人都做過忿怒的人,也做過被其他忿怒的人所攻擊的人。你知道聖經所說的是真實的。
• 對你與神的關系的傷害 ---- 這是14:16的主要內容:智慧人敬畏神,就遠離惡事。這節經文的另一半在講愚妄人,也就是行事為人好像沒有神一樣的人,他們行在毀滅的路途上,竟然還會以為自己能確保和神的關系。如果你知道自己有情緒失控的問題,然而同時,你又不認為你絕對需要急迫地改變自己,那麽可以肯定,你的靈性出了問題。
• 傷害你對世界的影響 ---- 忿怒並不會止於忿怒的人。它會對每個人、每件事都造成傷害,它有著持久加倍的效果。請看22:24-25所講的重點:好生氣的人,不可與他結交。暴怒的人,不可與他來往。恐怕你效法他的行為,自己就陷在網羅裏。
第一: 凡事都應當始於敬拜
我的意思是,你要主動將神帶入問題之中,確認祂的同在,並且知道,祂掌管你的忿怒和你所遭遇的狀況。敬拜就使你將神放在你眼光的中心。花一些時間想一想,祂如何以怒氣對付你的罪:1)當你犯罪的時候,祂找出問題並定之為罪;2)祂確認祂對你和你所關心的人的愛;3)祂進入你的生活,並且承諾祂的赦免;4) 祂將聖靈安放在你的內心。記住,當你還是罪人的時候,基督就為你而受死了。正如我前面所說的,請你記住,因著祂對這個世界的罪(包括我們的生命)的忿怒,祂制定了一個救贖的計劃。
• 我前面已經說過,要花一些時間敬拜和禱告。從神學習,從而使祂對事情的觀點看法能夠滲透到你的頭腦中,引導你的行為和言語。
• 分析你的忿怒背後的因素。記住,忿怒是次等情緒,其背後總是會有原因的。有的時候,導致我們忿怒的事情是正義的忿怒,是因著其他人所經歷的邪惡不公的事情而引起的,但是更多的時候,卻不因為類似高尚的事情:
o 嫉妒 ---- 為什麽我沒有接到聚會邀請、或是得到提升?
o 失望 ---- 為什麽她約他出去,而沒約我?
o 未果的承諾 ---- “但是他說好了打電話的。”
o 苦澀 ---- “我們在高中的時候,他曾經這樣對我的……”
當耶穌面對邪惡的時候,祂並沒有以仇恨還擊,反而赦免了他們。祂承受了所有的打擊,卻不以忿怒的言語或暴力的威脅還擊他們。祂使世人藉著信靠祂,賜下新的、永恒的生命。多年後,使徒彼得在彼得前書2:21– 24中仍然表達著他對耶穌一切所行的敬畏之情: “基督也為你們受過苦,給你們留下榜樣,叫你們跟隨祂的腳蹤行。祂並沒有犯罪……祂被罵不還口,受害不說威嚇的話。只將自己交托那按公義審判人的主。祂被掛在木頭上,親身擔當我們的罪,使我們既然在罪上死,就得以在義上活。因祂受的鞭傷,你們便得了醫治”。
Greg Waybright 博士
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2015, Lake Avenue Church