He Is In Our Midst
He Is In Our Midst
Greg Waybright
- Revelation 1:1
- Listen & Hear
- 32 mins 18 secs
- Views: 1775
Pastor's Letter
He Is In Our Midst - Week 2
It happened on a Sunday a long time ago. An 85-year-old man named "John" was in an Alcatraz-like prison on an island named "Patmos." But he was not in despair. To the contrary, according to the Bible, he was "in the Spirit" (I'd love to know exactly what that meant) and was worshipping God. Then, in the midst of his private worship, John heard a voice behind him as clear and powerful as the first trumpet in the LA Philharmonic. And, as we considered last week in our services, this was the voice of the resurrected, majestic, all-powerful Jesus.
It happened on a Sunday a long time ago. An 85-year-old man named "John" was in an Alcatraz-like prison on an island named "Patmos." But he was not in despair. To the contrary, according to the Bible, he was "in the Spirit" (I'd love to know exactly what that meant) and was worshipping God. Then, in the midst of his private worship, John heard a voice behind him as clear and powerful as the first trumpet in the LA Philharmonic. And, as we considered last week in our services, this was the voice of the resurrected, majestic, all-powerful Jesus.
When John turned around, the one who was speaking to him, and what he saw was "seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the lampstands was one like a son of man" (Revelation 1:13).
It's clear that we should expect to meet this powerful Jesus among the candlesticks. So, the question this calls forth is, "What is a candlestick? I know I should expect to experience Jesus in one of these candlesticks. What is a candlestick?"
The Book of Revelation is not always easy to understand. It's filled with symbols and language that point back to the Hebrew Scriptures. However, it's very easy to figure out what a candlestick is in Revelation because Rev. 1:20 tells us plainly that the lampstands are the churches. I believe that this indicates that whenever a local church that is committed to Jesus as Lord gathers together, it is a lampstand. And, Jesus is among us doing life with us when we gather. If that's true, all those who long to know and experience God should be involved regularly in a local church.
After last week's church services, Kernola Arnold of LAC stopped me and told me that in 1974, her husband was shot at his business in Mansfield, Ohio. In what would have been a time of utter despair for most people, Kernola was surrounded by the members of her church who worshipped with her, prayed with her, and loved on her. Kernola told me that she experienced the reality and sufficiency of Jesus in the life of her local "candlestick", i.e., her local church. This enabled her to be a light herself, showing the hope of Christ to those who watched her.
Lake Avenue Church is one of God's candlesticks. My prayer is that you will experience the love and power of Jesus among us today. If you do, you will be able to go out and shine into a world that sometimes seems to be rather dark.
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
He Is In Our Midst - Week 2 - Study Notes
Study Notes available in English and Chinese translations.
This sermon will be quite different from what I had envisioned when I first starting preparing for this series in Revelation. The reason is that last Sunday after one of our services, a faithful LAC member (and one of my kindred spirits here), Kernola Arnold, waited for me and told me, "I have personally experienced one part of what you talked in your first message from Revelation 1."
he is in our midst
Revelation 1:13
This sermon will be quite different from what I had envisioned when I first starting preparing for this series in Revelation. The reason is that last Sunday after one of our services, a faithful LAC member (and one of my kindred spirits here), Kernola Arnold, waited for me and told me, "I have personally experienced one part of what you talked in your first message from Revelation 1."
Before sharing with you what Kernola said, I had better remind you of what that sermon was about. On a Sunday a long time ago, an 85-year-old man named John was on an Alcatraz-like island prison named Patmos. But John was not in despair. To the contrary, according to the Bible, he was "in the Spirit" and was worshipping God. Then, in the midst of his private worship, John heard a voice behind him as clear and powerful as the first trumpet in the LA Philharmonic Orchestra. And, when he turned around to see who was speaking, John saw the resurrected, all-powerful, holy, majestic, all-knowing, pure and awesome Jesus. This is what John reported: When I turned around, I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the lampstands I saw... (Revelation 1:13) – and the verses that follow provide John's attempt to "write what he saw (v. 11). The phrase I want you to notice from v. 13 is this one. The majestic Jesus was: "In the midst of the lampstands" (and the lampstands are churches according to v.20).
What Kernola shared with me was that in 1974, her husband was shot dead at his business in Mansfield, Ohio. In what would have been a time of utter despair for most people, Kernola was surrounded by the members of her church who would not let her go through this alone. They worshipped with her, prayed with her and loved on her. Kernola told me, "Pastor, I experienced the presence and sufficiency of Jesus in the life of my "candlestick", my local church. " This experience with Jesus in her church enabled her to be a light to those around her showing the hope of Christ to those who watched her.
So, Jesus is to be found in midst of the lampstands. Kernola experienced that to be true. Let's take the moments we have this morning to think about what this might mean to us individually and as a church.
Question #1: What is a lampstand?
The first thing John mentioned that he saw was not Jesus but the seven gold lampstands in v. 13. Note this: Different from what you might think, a "lampstand" was not merely a candleholder. It was the stand upon which the lamps or lights were fixed and received fuel. This stand would have oil that flowed from its base into the light or lights connected to it. (I'll show a picture here in the sermon.)
As John is trying to describe his vision, he almost certainly was referring to what he had found in Zechariah 4 (a book John quoted often in Revelation) in which the prophet Zechariah had spoken of a seven-branched gold lampstand through which the oil flowed from the stand into the seven lights. Zechariah said that through these lights, the eyes of the Lord sees into the world and brings light to the world.
Of course, as will often be the case in our study in Revelation, our big question is, "What does it mean?" And, I think that at least two things are meant that are consistent with Zechariah's vision:
1. The candlestick is the place of God's presence. People should experience God in the lampstand.
2. The candlestick is the place from which God shines his light into a darkened world.
The Bible tells us in Revelation that local churches are lampstands. The seven local churches in Asia with which John was connected were lampstands according to v.20. John's friends in those churches were going through hard times. Some were being tempted to renounce their faith as they underwent enormous pressure from the government to worship the emperor. Others were strongly tempted to give up God's morality as they lived in the middle of a pagan society. John says that each church is a lampstand.
John was teaching what I try to teach often – though I use a different metaphor. I speak of a church being a breathing body. We gather together to breathe in – the reality, the teaching, and the encouragement of God –so that we can breathe out the life of God into the world.
Listen to me carefully now: Just as John told each of his seven churches that they were God's lampstands, I join together with believers throughout history to declare that each local church in any community and at any point of time is to be a lampstand. Yes, I believe LAC is a lampstand.
When I said this last Tuesday to a group of pastors gathered to study the Bible together, Blake Riboli, LAC Coordinator of Club 45, said with great enthusiasm, "This is really a big deal!!" God has placed Lake Avenue Church here in Southern California to be his lampstand? This is a big, big deal!"
Blake's comment brings me to my second question?
Question #2: Why is this a big deal? (Or, so what?)
Reason 1: We should experience Jesus in the "lampstand"
This is a constant theme in the New Testament, and especially in the book of Revelation. Jesus meets us in a special way within the local church:
1) In v.13, Jesus is "in the midst of the lampstands."
2) In 2:1 and 3:1, Jesus holds us in his hand.
3) In 2:1, there is a beautiful statement about Jesus walking among the lampstands.
Each of these three images proclaims to us that that when we gather as a local church, Jesus is walking with us, sustaining us with his mighty strength and doing life with us. We will hear (and rejoice in) this message again and again in our studies through the seven churches in Revelation.
This is what Kernola gave testimony to when she spoke with me last weekend. She had experienced the presence and power of God as she worshipped and had fellowship with her church family. It's because of teaching like we find here in Revelation 1 that I urge you to make a commitment to being an active part of your local church. No church is perfect. To the contrary, we are given to one another so that we can grow together. Hebrews says that we should never forsake meeting together because we need to motivate one another on toward good works and godliness. I urge you to officially become a member of your church. By doing so, you say, "We're going to stand together in this world. We're going to meet God and serve God together in this challenging world.
And, I urge you to meet regularly in worship with the entire family in one of our worship services. Yes, be active in your Sunday school class, the youth group, and your small group. But, don't just get together with a part of the lampstand. And, don't look for a local church in which everyone is just like you – your same age and sharing your same interests (except your interest in knowing and glorifying God). When we meet together, sing together, and hear God's Word together, we will experience Jesus in new and fresh ways.
Reason 2: We should find strength to live life well in the "lampstand"
When the Bible says John saw Jesus in the midst of the lampstands, it is teaching us that God is not a distant Father and Jesus is not an absentee landlord. On the contrary, Jesus is in our midst supporting us during whatever trials, persecutions or temptations we face in this world. But, how do we hear God's voice and sense his power flowing into our lives? In an oil-fueled lampstand, there was always a supply of oil nearby. (I'll show a picture of this.) One of the main ways we receive God's fuel to strengthen our lives is through our worship together – learning from and worshiping with those of different ages and ethnicities.
I am not saying that you do not experience God's presence and strengthening in your private meetings with God – or in many other places outside the gathered worship of the church. God meets us in many, many places. However, it is clear to me that one of the reasons God has established local churches is so that we will gather together, take time to acknowledge who He is, and receive from him. The local church is the place Jesus loves and gave his life for. When we meet together, our praise for God should be renewed, new commitments should be made, and the Bible should heard with the entire family so that we might receive together both exhortation and encouragement.
In this lampstand, week by week your oil should be replenished so that you can shine. Or, using the image of the church as being the body of Christ, when we gather together to worship in the church we breathe in deeply of the reality and strength of God so that we can go into the world and live to His glory.
Reason 3: We should shine together from the "lampstand" into the world
When John is told to "write what you see," he used the words of the Hebrew Scriptures to describe his vision of Jesus among the churches. And, one of the Scriptures he used was Zechariah 4. There we find the picture of God's people being God's lampstand. As I said earlier, in Zechariah, God's place of residence is in the lampstand, i.e., in his people. But, the lampstand was also the place from which God's light was to flow into the world. The book of Revelation tells us that the church is now to be that place through which God's light flows into a darkened, damaged and hurting world. So, our church here in the San Gabriel Valley and located at Lake Avenue and the 210, is to be a shining light bringing God's guidance, God's hope and God's blessing into our area. (I'll show a picture of our church here.)
Notice this: The church is not a lighthouse. We are not merely to shine light "out there" far away from us as a lighthouse does – usually leaving the area around it in the darkness. We are a lampstand. We are to shine all around – especially into the neighborhood closest to us. This light is to shine out both through our words telling about Jesus and through our actions showing the love of Jesus. When schools around us need support, they should know that when a church is in the area, they are not alone. We are here to bring some light into the situation. When families are broken by poverty, abuse or a lack of life-skills, they should know that when there is a church nearby, there is always hope. There should be people who walk with them and bring some light into their lives.
Matt Barnes told me this week, "The vision of Revelation 1 tells us Jesus is big enough to help – and he's close enough to care." This power and care is experienced in the lampstand – and then through the lampstands we shine out into the world. Yes, we – we – are one of God's candlesticks located where we are for a reason. We are here to meet the majestic one who loves us, died in our place and rose again for our salvation. And, once we have met him, we are to shine forth into the neighborhood where he has placed us.
John turned and he saw the majestic Jesus – "among the candlesticks." We have met here in this candlestick today. Are there any reminders that you've gained from God's Word? Is there any new direction from God you have sensed? Is there any encouragement or conviction you've received? With the oil of Jesus' presence fueling you, now go and shine to his glory.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
這次的講章,與我當初預備《啟示錄》這個系列時的想法有很大的不同。原因是,上個星期天我們的敬拜結束後,Kernola Arnold(她和我志趣相投),一個忠實的會友,她見到我時說,“我自己有一次經歷,與你在《啟示錄》1章的部分信息相像。” 在與你分享Kernola的經歷之前,我先提示一下上次講章的有關內容。很久以前的一個星期天,一個名叫約翰的85歲的老人,在一個像Alcatraz的小島上服刑,這個島名叫拔摩島。但約翰並沒有陷入絕望。相反,從聖經我們知道,他住在聖靈裡,在敬拜神。在他敬拜的過程中,約翰聽到後面有一個清晰而有力的聲音,就像洛杉磯交響樂團的首席小號手。當約翰轉身看是誰在說話時,他看見了復活的、全能的、聖潔的、莊嚴的、全知的、純潔而可畏的主耶穌。下面是約翰所記錄的:“既轉過來,就看見七個金燈檯……”(啟示錄1:13)——下面的經文表明,是主讓約翰寫下“他所看見的”(啟示錄1:11)。我要你注意13節的內容。莊嚴的耶穌是這個樣子的:“在燈檯中間”(根據20節,燈檯代表教會)。 Kernola和我分享的事情發生在1974年,在俄亥俄州的曼斯費爾德,她的丈夫在工作時被槍殺。對於多數人而言,遇到這種事會陷入完全的絕望之中。而Kernola教會的會友陪伴著她,不讓她感到孤獨。他們和她一起敬拜,一起禱告,讓她感受到愛。Kernola告訴我,“牧師,在我生命中的燈檯——我的教會裡,我經歷了耶穌的同在和豐盛”。在她的教會裡與耶穌的這種經歷,使她成為周圍人的光,她向那些注視她的人表現出在基督裡的盼望。 耶穌會在燈檯中顯現,Kernola切實地經歷這一點。今天早上,讓我們花點時間來思想,這對我們個人和教會有什麼意義。
問題 #1: 什麼是燈檯? 在13節中,約翰提到的第一件事,是他看到的不是耶穌,而是七個金燈檯。請注意:與你的想法不同,一個燈檯不僅是一個燈座。它是一個檯子,燈被固定在上面,可以向裡面注入燈油。這個檯子會有油從底部流向燈(此處有圖)。 當約翰努力描述他見到的異象時,幾乎可以確定是指他在《撒迦利亞書》(約翰在《啟示錄》中經常引用的書卷)4章所發現的內容:先知撒迦利亞說有七個金燈檯,燈油從燈座流向七盞燈。撒迦利亞說通過這七盞燈,主的眼睛遍察全地,並把光帶給世界。 當然,就像我們今天在《啟示錄》中看到的例子一樣,我們的主要問題是:“這是什麼意思?”我認為至少有兩件事與《撒迦利亞書》的內容一致: 1. 燈檯是神同在的地方,人們竟會在燈檯經歷神。 2. 燈檯是神把光帶進世界的地方。 通過《啟示錄》,聖經告訴我們,本地教會是燈檯。根據20節,在亞細亞與約翰有關係的七個本地教會是燈檯。此時,教會裡的約翰的朋友們正處在艱難時期。政府施加壓力,要他們敬拜國王,一些人在試探中放棄了他們的信仰。另一些人,當他們在外邦人當中生活時,被引誘放棄了神的道德標準。約翰說每個教會都是燈檯。 約翰的教導正是我常常努力教導的——儘管我用了不同的比喻。我說教會是呼吸的身體。我們聚在一起來吸入——真實、教導和神的鼓勵——以使我們能夠把神的生命呼入世界。 現在請仔細聽:就像約翰告訴七個教會的,他們是神的燈檯。我與信徒聚會的經歷表明,任何一個社區的本地教會,無論何時,都應該是燈檯。是的,我相信我們的教會是一個燈檯。 上個星期二,在一個牧者的聖經學習小組裡,我講了這個。Blake Riboli(他是我們教會的Club 45的協調人)很興奮地講,“這非常重要!!”神把我們教會放在南加州,不是要我們做燈檯嗎?這是非常非常重要的事!” Blake的評論把我們帶到第二個問題。
問題 #2: 為什麼這很重要? 原因1:我們在“燈檯”裡經歷耶穌。 在新約裡,這是個永恆的主題,特別是在《啟示錄》當中,耶穌在本地教會會以一種特殊的方式與我們相見: 1) 在13節,耶穌是在“燈檯中間。” 2) 在2:1和3:1,耶穌把我們放在祂的手中。 3) 在2:1,對於耶穌 在燈檯中行走,有一個很美的敘述。 這三個形象向我們表明,當我們在本地教會聚會時,耶穌行走在我們當中,用祂大能的手扶持我們,改變我們的生命。通過學習《啟示錄》裡的七個教會,我們會不斷地傾聽(和享受)這個資訊。 這就是Kernola上週末和我交談時所做的見證。在敬拜和教會團契中,她經歷了神的同在和神的大能。因著我們在《啟示錄》中所發現的教導,我鼓勵你要委身於本地教會,並且成為其中的活躍分子。沒有教會是完美的。相反,我們大家在一起,是為了共同成長。《希伯來書》說,我們不要停止聚會,因為我們需要在善事上和敬虔上彼此鼓勵。我鼓勵你們正式地成為教會的會員。這樣做,你就會說,“我們將在這個充滿挑戰的世界上一起站立,一起遇見神,一起服事神。” 我還鼓勵你和家人定期參加敬拜。要積極參加主日學、青年團契和其他小組。但是,不要僅僅和燈檯的一部分有聯繫。不要只是去找這樣的教會——那裡的人和你年齡相仿、愛好一致(除非你們的愛好是認識神和榮耀神)。當我們聚會的時候,我們一起唱歌,一起聽神的話,一同以新鮮的方式經歷耶穌。
原因2:我們應該在“燈檯“上找到具備品質生活的力量 在聖經中約翰看到耶穌在燈台間行走,他教導我們耶穌不是遠在天邊的父,耶穌不是缺席的主人。相反的,我們在世界上無論遭遇何試煉、迫害或試探,耶穌都扶持我們。但是我們是否聽見神的聲音,感受到他的能力在我們中間流動。在滿了油的燈盞上,旁邊總是有油源。( 我給你看一張圖)我們接受神供應的燈油的方式之一來強固我們生活是透過共同的敬拜-不同年齡不同種族的人一同的敬拜。 我不是說你個人,不論是私下與神面對還是在教會聚集敬拜之外就不能經歷神的同在和力量。神在諸多地方與我們相遇。 但是我很清楚神設立當地教會其中一個原因是要我們一同聚集,花時間來認識祂是誰,從祂那裡來領受。當地教會是耶穌愛我們,將祂的生命賜給我們的地方。我們一同聚集的時候,我們對神的讚美得以更新,對神再次的委身,神的家要一同來聆聽神的話,因此可以一同領受勸告與鼓勵。 你的燈台每個星期都需要加油才會亮。或者說,教會的形象作為一個基督的身體,我們在教會聚集的時候深深地呼吸神同在的現實和力量,我們才能走進世界,為祂的榮耀而生活。
原因3:我們應該一起發光,從“燈檯”走向世界 當約翰被告知“寫下你所看到的,”他用希伯來文聖經的話向教會描述了他看見耶穌的異象。而且,他用的經文之一是撒迦利亞4章 。在那裡,我們發現了神的子民做神的燈檯的景象。正如我剛才所說,在撒迦利亞,上帝居住的地方是燈台,即,祂的百姓。但是,燈台也是神的光芒流入世界的地方。啓示錄告訴我們,現在教會就是那個燈台,從那裡神的光芒湧入到這個黑暗的,被破壞的和受傷害的世界上。所以,我們的教會在San Gabriel Valley,位於Lake Avenue和210公路上是為了發光,帶給這個地區神的引導,神的希望和神的祝福。 (我會給大家看我們教會的圖片。) 注意到這一點:教會不是一座燈塔。我們不能像燈塔那樣只照耀遙遠的“那裡”-通常把我們的近處留在了黑暗中。我們是一個燈台。我們要照耀各地-尤其是我們的近鄰。這光要通過我們傳講耶穌的話語照耀出來,也要通過我們彰顯耶穌之愛的行為照耀出來。當周圍的學校需要援助時,他們應該明白,當這附近有一個教會時,他們就不是孤單的。我們在這裡是為了給他們的困境帶來一些光芒。當一些家庭遭遇貧困,虐待或缺乏謀生技能時,他們應該知道,當附近有一個教會時,這裡就總有希望。總有一些人會與他們同行,給他們的生活帶來一些光芒。 Matt Barnes這週對我說, “啟示錄1章的異象告訴我們耶穌有足夠大能來幫助我們-祂近在我們身邊足以關懷我們。 ”這能力和關懷在燈台中被經歷-再通過燈台照耀給這世界。是的,我們是一個神的燈檯,神將我們擺放在我們所在的位置上有祂的理由。在這裡我們得以遇見這位大能者,祂愛我們,為我們而死,而後復活成為我們的拯救。而且,我們一旦遇見祂,我們就前去照耀我們的近鄰,就是祂把我們所放的地方。 約翰轉過身,見到偉大的耶穌-“在燈檯間行走”。我們今天相聚在這燈檯里。你有否收獲神話語的提醒?是否感受到從神而來的新的指引?是否領受了新的鼓勵和信念?帶著耶穌的同在加填給你的燈油,去吧,為著祂的榮耀去發光吧。
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
He Is In Our Midst - Week 2 - Study Guide
We return this week to look at Revelation 1. This time we will focus on the sections surrounding the vision John had of Jesus.
He Is In our Midst
Revelation 1:5-8, 17-20
We return this week to look at Revelation 1. This time we will focus on the sections surrounding the vision John had of Jesus.
- Read vv. 5–8. In a general way, John alluded to every event in the saving work of Jesus. What did he say that Jesus did? How does this affect your life?
- What is the prevailing mood established by these verses? Put into one sentence the central focus of these verses.
- Look specifically at vv. 3 and 7. What promises are stated or implied? How do they apply today?
- John described his vision of Jesus in vv. 12–16. Read then vv. 17–20. How did John react to the Person he saw? (Remember that he was in prison at the time.) Was his reaction appropriate?
- How did Jesus express his victory over death in vv. 17–18? How might you use this to comfort someone who lost a believing loved one to death?
- How does Jesus explain the significance of the lampstands in vv. 13 and 20? Do you think that we might expect to experience something special about the presence of Jesus when we are actively worshipping and serving in a "lampstand" (i.e., our local church)?
- What do you plan to apply to your life from this study?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church