Hannah’s Story: The Need for Peace

Hannah’s Story: The Need for Peace

Sunday, December 09, 2018

1 Samuel 1:4-20 and John 14:26-27

  • What is the state of Hannah’s relationships? Describe her relationship with Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:6-7). What does her husband misunderstand about what she desires (vs. 8)? What is the Priest Eli confused about (v.12-14)?
  • Whom does Hannah go to in her distress (1 Sam 1:10, 15)? What indication do you have that Hannah was honest in prayer about her grief and her longing (vs. 10-16)?
  • Do you first go to God in prayer when you have struggles in relationships? Do you boldly approach God in prayer with your grief? What unfulfilled longing could you take to God in prayer?
  • What blessing did Eli pronounce over Hannah (1 Samuel 1:17)? How do we know it gave her comfort (vs. 18)? Who does she credit as having heard and answered her prayers (vs. 20)? How might we be like Eli when we encounter others in grief?
  • In the face of loss, what is Jesus sending and giving to his followers (John 14:26-27)?   How might Jesus’ peace be different than worldly peace? What role might the Holy Spirit play when your heart is troubled?