Growing in Grace-Filled Community

Growing in Grace-Filled Community

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Read Acts 2:1-12, 42-47

  1. What does the Holy Spirit do in this passage?
  2. What are the characteristics of this Christ centered community?
  3. Why does the passage go into so much detail regarding culture, language, and background in verses 2:8-11? What is the significance of people from different cultures all being able to hear God’s praises in their own language?
  4. What practices did the followers of Jesus implement in the early days of the church (vs. 42-47)? How do you imagine that these practices shaped their fellowship and unity?
  5. What practices, habits, or attitudes keep Christians separated from one another today? What would it take for us to be united in community with other Christians here at Lake across boundaries of race, politics, culture, gender, etc… ?
  6. How have you been loved and discipled here at Lake? How have you loved and discipled others here at Lake?
  7. If you are not part of a Christian community, how can you begin the process of joining one this week? If you are part of a Christian community, how can you strive to make it healthier, more full of love, and more God- honoring this week?