Small Group Questions
Selected Scripture Readings: Genesis 48:15-16, 49:1-2, & 49:28
- Jacob’s father sought to bless only one son and not the other. In contrast, Jacob blessed all his sons, and gave them each an appropriate blessing. What from your childhood would you like to not pass on to future generations?
- Jacob declares that the God of his fathers has also been his God. What from your family would you like to pass on to future generations?
- Jacob claims God has been like a shepherd to him. This is a rich metaphor used throughout Scripture to describe our relationship with God. What do you know about sheep and their shepherd and how does this compare with your own relationship with God?
- One important moment in Jacob’s life was realizing that God had protected him from harm and brought him home. Have you experienced God’s care, protection or presence during times of challenge or pain?
- The giving of a blessing, from an elder to a younger, is very significant in Scripture. Is there someone God is calling you to speak or write words of encouragement to this coming week?