Questions for Reflection
Read Mark 6:45-51 and Matt 14:22-32
- Compare and contrast these passages—How are they similar? How are they different?
- What do we learn about Jesus from these passages?
- Mark tells us in verse 48 that Jesus saw the disciples “straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.” How are you also straining at the oars? What area of your life feels draining, exhausting, or difficult?
- Jesus met the disciples and was with them, even in their fear. As our church moves into this next season of change, what are you afraid of? What fears and doubts do you have as Pastor Jeff leaves and we move into this transition?
- Take some time to pray for one another in your fears and doubts. Begin your prayer time by having someone repeat Jesus’ words several times: “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Sit in silence for a moment. Then pray for one another to be transformed, no longer ruled by fear.