Sunday, February 28, 2021
Chuck Hunt
- John 10:11-21
- "Love - Jesus" Lenten Teaching Series
- 34 mins 41 secs
- Views: 377
Read John 10:11-21
- What repeated phrase do you see in John 10:11-21? Why do you think Jesus says this so many times?
- Read Ez 34: 1-6 and 11-16. Contrast the actions of the “shepherds of Israel” (v. 1-6) vs. God’s actions as a shepherd (v. 11-16). How would you describe God in this passage? How does this inform Jesus’ words in John 10?
- Describe the relationship between the good shepherd and his sheep (v. 14-15). How is this different from the way a hired hand relates to the sheep (v. 11-13)? What do these analogies teach us about God’s love for us?
- How have you experienced love from the Good Shepherd? How can you imitate the Good Shepherd’s love with those around you?
- What does Jesus mean in verse 16 when he says that there are “other sheep” who will become part of his flock? How do you imagine the Jews around him would have received these words?
- Jesus seems to stretch the Jews’ understanding “who’s in” and “who’s out” of God’s flock, his family. He breaks open the sheepfold for all who would hear his voice. How does this challenge some our “ways of doing church” today? *
- Pastor Chuck preached this weekend about the power of Knowing Your Why. When you know your why (your purpose), it brings passion and impact to your what (your actions). In this passage, Jesus shares why he is the Good Shepherd. When you think about your behaviors, habits, and actions, what is the why behind it all?
*This question was informed by N.T. Wright’s book, John for Everyone: Studies for Individuals and Groups