From Lake Avenue to Villa Street Church? The Ethiopian Eunuch and the Church of Today!

From Lake Avenue to Villa Street Church? The Ethiopian Eunuch and the Church of Today!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Read Acts 8:26-40

  • A desert road would not have been a traditional place to share the good news.  Why did Philip go that way (vs. 26)?  What actions was Philip called to (vs. 30, 31 and 35)?  What was the response (vs. 35-39)?  Was joy evident in your own conversion to Jesus or baptism?  
  • What role did the Holy Spirit play throughout this passage?  How are you encouraged by what you have been learning about the Holy Spirit?
  • Compare the story of evangelism from October 25th (Acts 8:4-8) with this week’s story.  List several ways the two are similar.  List several ways the two are different. 
  • Ponder if there was a recent opportunity you missed to share the good news of Jesus.  This is an important step, as it will help you be alert to the next opportunity to share. 
  • For more questions and to dive deeper into Acts 8, please pick up a copy of the Acts Curriculum at the Communities Table in the Worship Lobby or view it on-line.