Exit Strategy—Parable of the Shrewd Servant

Exit Strategy—Parable of the Shrewd Servant

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Small Group Discussion Questions:

  • Read the parable of the Shrewd Manager in Luke 16:1-9. After reading this parable, what questions do you have? What do you find puzzling?
  • Take a moment to summarize what happens in this story. Who is Jesus’ audience for this story? How will that affect our interpretation?
  • What does the master commend the manager for in vs. 8a? What does it mean to be “shrewd” in this world?
  • According to verse 9, how should the people of God use their resources? What does it mean to be “shrewd” in the Kingdom of God?
  • Practically, what does it look like to use our resources (wealth, status, networks, education, etc…) for God’s Kingdom? How do we leverage our resources in order to invest in people and welcome them into God’s Kingdom? How could this sort of stewardship also be a spiritual practice?