Conflict & Discernment - Part 1

Conflict & Discernment - Part 1

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Read Acts 15:1-19

  1. What was the disagreement amongst early believers (vs. 1-2)? Who met to decide the issue (vs. 6)? What could have happened if there was no discussion and only one person made this important decision?
  2. What role did prayer and the Spirit play in Peter’s decision-making process (See also Acts 10:9-48)?
  3. How do Peter’s words in verses 10-11 further clarify the deeper issue of this conflict? How might Satan be attempting to use this conflict to damage the church and erode people’s understanding of the gospel?
  4. What do Barnabas and Paul bear witness to (vs. 12)? What role does life circumstance play in a decision-making process? What did James use to help him make a decision (vs. 13-18)? Are there other Old Testament Scriptures besides Amos 9:11-12 that might have been helpful to James?
  5. What deeper issue or value must be considered when dealing with the Gentiles? (vs. 19). How will the Gentiles, and the Jews, be saved (vs. 9-11)?