Certain But Not Certainly

Certain But Not Certainly

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Questions for Reflection

  • What does it mean to consider trials “pure joy?” Why does James tell his readers to celebrate their trials?
  • Re-read verses 3-4. How can suffering and perseverance lead us to become “mature and complete, not lacking in anything?” Share about a time when God made you more mature and whole-hearted through suffering.
  • What are the ways in which we try to avoid suffering instead of letting it make us more mature?
  • What do we learn about God’s character in verse 5? What difference does that make in our prayer life?
  • What is the difference between being “mature and complete,” (vs. 4)  vs. being “like a wave of the sea…double minded and unstable…” (vs 6-8)? In what areas of life do we tend to be double-minded and tossed about by the wind? What are some practices that enable you (especially in this season) to be more single-minded and whole-hearted in your faith?