How has God provided for you in the past?
Why does Jesus withdraw in verse 13? After withdrawing, how does He respond to the crowds? What enabled Him to respond this way?
How do you usually respond to being interrupted when you are tired, hungry, or emotionally burdened?
Why is compassion sometimes difficult for us?
How can we change to become more like Christ?
In verse 20, we read that “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” What is the importance of that detail about the “twelve basketfuls” of broken pieces left over? What does this tell us about God and His people?
Jesus invites the disciples to bring Him the five loaves and two fish, knowing it was not enough, and He transformed it. Share about a time when you offered your resources to Jesus—either your time, your story, your money, your service, your presence, your gifts—and He used it for His glory, making it more than enough. How did that experience grow your faith?
This passage encourages us to give ourselves—all that we are and all that we have—to Jesus to be used by Him. Is there something that God is asking you to offer up in this season?
In what ways do you need God to provide for you this week? Spend some time together in prayer.