Been Here the Whole Time
Been Here the Whole Time
Jeff Mattesich
- John 1:1-3
- We Need A Little Christmas - Advent 2019
- 43 mins 2 secs
- Views: 762
Questions for Reflection
Questions for Reflection
- John begins his gospel with the words, “In the beginning,” echoing the opening lines of Genesis 1. What do we learn when we read John 1:1-3 in light of Genesis 1:1-5? Why does John begin his narrative by calling our attention to Jesus’ role in creation?
- How does Jesus’ presence at creation give you hope in today’s world?
- Read Psalm 107:10-20. How does this understanding of the Word of God help us understand what John means when he calls Jesus the Word of God?
- Why do you imagine that John wants us to know, from the very beginning of his gospel, that Jesus was with God and was God? How do those words bring hope?
- What does it mean that Jesus was with God? In what areas of your life do you need Jesus to be with you right now, to provide hope? How can we be with another in more profound ways this Christmas?
Study Notes
We Need A Little Christmas
“Been Here the Whole Time”
John 1:1-3
As we jump into this season of Advent or Christmas, and in coming right off a holiday this past week, I want to acknowledge that each of us come to this time of year differently. There seem to be at least a few major ways.
- Joy on Joy kind of people. You are the ones who generally go through life with the gift of positivity and joy. And, this time of year is like a full cup being overfilled. This season illuminates what you feel all year long – but in the context now of others, decorations, traditions, and so much more.
- For some others, this season is helpful. It might not be your favorite, but what this season allows in you is to be reminded that life is better than you often think and feel. This season serves as a reminder that there are good things in life, and life can be enhanced. In some sense, once a year you can get reoriented to the reality that there is some really nice parts of life and in this way, Christmas is helpful.
- And then for many of you, this is a rather painful time of year. For some, the pain started this past week when you realized who was not with you during the holiday. This season with all the intentions of being one of joy and being helpful, is one that is a constant reminder of the losses in life or the unfilled desires and dreams in your life. You stand back and wonder why you can’t quite seem to tap into the season as others.
I am sure there are more than just these and most likely many of us are a combination of 2 or 3 of these. No matter where you fall, each group needs to experience something new this time of year.
I think this time of year we all need to come in contact with the significance of Christmas. Let me explain.
It’s my observation (even in myself), that this time of year many of us function in 2 worlds. For the next month or so, many people become at some level dualists. There is Church Christmas, led by the Scriptures, beautiful and deep Carols, and a room like this one or this very room. Christmas from our minds and hearts.
But then there is Public Christmas. Public Christmas is led by all that goes into presents (deciding shopping, wrapping, sending, opening) and Mariah Carey. This Christmas, if we are honest, can seem to be a little more fun. More of a Christmas of hands and bodies moving from thing to thing and place to place.
The church can be a place that exasperates these experiences. But, my prayer for us is that for some of you:
- we spend the next few weeks at Lake Ave Church, that our hearts and minds might help us engage the Public Christmas with more joy and more fun.
- And, for some of you, my prayer is that over these next few weeks you would find that the fun and joy you have this time of year is connected to a radical and mind-blowing movement of God when he sent his son Jesus into this world.
Each of us NEED A LITTLE CHRISTMAS. We need a little Christmas, an experience of significance this Christmas.
In the Bible, there are four books that in some way capture the origin story of Christmas, of Jesus.
A friend of mine, Scott Kenworthy, who is a Pastor in Kentucky, gave me a great summary of these 4 books and their approach to the birth of Jesus.
Matthew: Gives us the Family Tree of Jesus, and then spends time giving an in depth look at Mary and Joseph.
Mark: Starts with the ministry of Jesus, not because he isn’t interested in the birth of Jesus, but Mark is focused on getting us to the cross as quickly as possible.
Luke: most in depth historical account, with great details of all that happened in and around the birth of Jesus.
And then there is John, and he takes a very different approach. John is less on the historical account and details and more focused on the significance of the event.
John: Significance, and the implications of the events surrounding Jesus.
John is our guide these next few weeks.
John: eyewitness account to Jesus. He was a disciple, and the Scriptures show that John was very close with Jesus.
The purpose of why he wrote is found later in the book in chapter 20 verse 31.
"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
We will be slowly considering the Prologue, which means over the next 5 weeks we will be situated and marinating in 10 verses.
One commentator said that John is both clear and deep, like rare water. Like Lake Tahoe… so our time in this text might help us see the depth of God in the person of Jesus – and yet, the clarity and the simplicity within these verses will not require a Bible degree to see.
Are you ready to get started in with the text for today?
John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
Sermon Body:
A word on the WORD language in these verses…
We will deal with the depth of this word during our series and I encourage you to engage with the whole series, but for today know this:
- Word is Jesus
- Verse 14 is most important: “the Word became flesh and dwelled among us”
- John is referring to Jesus as the WORD, in Greek, the logos… and that WORD became flesh
- But before we get the Word becoming flesh (Christmas), John starts further back with some truths about Jesus prior to him becoming flesh
In fact, these first 3 verses contain 3 Truth’s about Jesus – and they when understood bring great significance – and my prayer is that today that they would speak to you.
- A Shocking Start
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (1)
Same starting language as Genesis, locating Jesus in creation – at the beginning at the start of the universe. This means when we read Genesis, Jesus was there. There has never been a time in which Jesus was not.
This is shocking. John intends to stun his readers with this truth. John is coming our fast, quick, and bold.
It is like he is adding his own perspective to Matthew and Luke’s readers saying, I know you’ve just heard their accounts of how and where Jesus came, but let me tell you that he goes back further… he did not come into being in a manger in Bethlehem... he says:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (1)
Why is this important? For one, Jesus coming into the world was not an afterthought of God. Jesus coming was not a reaction to how the world was going, he was not plan B for God to figure out how to solve the problem of sin.
Jesus was plan A. From the beginning of creation, Jesus was the proactive plan of God. 1 Peter 1:20 says it this way:
He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. 1 Peter 1:20
The significance of this, is that from the beginning of creation, your and my sake was on God’s mind. Jesus did not come because we are all so deeply awful and sinful that God had to figure out how to deal with us in real time over history.
No, Jesus has always been, and always part of the plan of God, his proactive, loving, and purposeful plan from the start.
A shocking start, I’d say. When we truly reflect on this, and realize that Jesus has always been, the crazy shocking part of this story is that this same Jesus who created the universe, would come in human form to live, dwell, and love us.
There are 2 more truth’s that also show the significance of Jesus
- Jesus’ Always in Relationship
He was with God in the beginning. (2)
This is one of those verses that can be both clear and deep. It is on this verse we start seeing the reality of the Triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The aspect I want us to see today is the reality of relationship.
This is what sets following Jesus apart from the other philosophies and religions in the world, because from the creation, we have a Jesus who exists in relationship.
Note the relationship of the Godhead starting to form: He was with God in the beginning.
The significance of this is that the same relational reality of the Godhead in one that we have been invited into. The relationship within the Godhead in creation extends to relationship with humanity… and that continues here with Jesus becoming flesh…
With God and With Man… To use big theological words, Jesus is both Transcendent and Immanent.
The Westminster Catechism gets at this reality in Question 21:
Who is the Redeemer of God's elect?
The only Redeemer of God's elect, is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and so was, and continues to be, God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, forever. Westminster Catechism Question 21
Why does this matter? What is the significance? Jesus has and will always exist in relationship… in the Godhead and with his creation.
There should be a tension here… one of those clear but deep realities in John… in Jesus.
Both relationships matter… a lot of problems can be found when we over and under emphasize one or these aspects of Jesus.
- When we overemphasize Divinity (Transcendence): we have a Jesus who can’t identify with our pain. We minimize the human experience and believe God has other things on his mind than us.
- When we overemphasize Humanity (Immanence): God who can’t do anything about our pain. A God who is distant and has stopped speaking, stopped relationship with humanity and it is all up to us to do his work in this world apart from intimacy and relationship with him.
Significance of this is Jesus is Always in Relationship… always.
This is Jesus, this is Christmas…one in relationship with his Father and with his creation – and Christmas is about his relentless pursuit of that relationship with us and all of humanity.
There is one final truth:
- Jesus’ Always Creating
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (3)
This might sound redundant as we have touched on this some already…From the beginning in Genesis, and that creating work will continue throughout John. But to drill this in deeper, look at that is said in Colossians 1:15-16.
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:15-16
His nature is to create and create he will throughout John, creating a way to God through himself…in fact this is where and how the relational reality of God comes to bear… in his creating a way to God and in his recreating work in us.
Significance of this truth … is YOU! You were created by and for Jesus. I know you have earthly parents, a biology, and many of you have spent hours and money on researching your family tree and ancestry… but you like Jesus go further back and you have a shocking start as well!
You were created by Jesus and for Jesus… and when you come to believe this and trust in this truth, your life can be changed forever.
Yes, Christmas is about Jesus coming to world, becoming flesh, but Christmas is also about you! You being created by Jesus and for Jesus – that he would come to be with us, to teach us, to love us, to sacrifice for us – for you.
Look in the mirror when you get home and when you look at yourself, say out loud: I was created by Jesus for Jesus.
When we know why we exist, for what reason we live, and for who exist for – it changes everything.
- A Shocking Start
- Jesus Always in Relationship
- Jesus Always Creating
Let me try and offer some next steps, some application for this next week.
Significance and Hope.
- When is the last time you were shocked at Christmas?
Maybe this be the year where Jesus shocks and stuns you? Maybe shock and stun you again.
- Can Christmas push you toward relationship with Jesus?
The divinity of Jesus? Maybe commune with a God who can deal with your life and your pain?
- Especially if this year Christmas painful
- Especially if Public Christmas is failing you
The humanity of Jesus? Maybe a year to experience intimacy with Jesus; commune with a God who knows your pain?
- Jesus can fix pain, but he can also sit with you in the pain. Do you need him too this Christmas?
- Your Job, wayward kids, parenting exhaustion, state of the world, the divisions and the noise… could Christmas be a time to get away with Jesus and let the relationship build?
- Where do you need a remaking work in your life? Where do we need a remaking work in our world?
By and For Jesus – do you trust this?
Once a year many of us come to Christmas the same as we have in years past. We Need A Little Christmas, but my prayer for me and for you is that Jesus becomes bigger this Christmas… like John has shown us – a Jesus from the start, a Jesus if relationship, and a Jesus always creating…
Reminds me of an interaction between Lucy and Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia. Aslan being the Jesus figure on the story says to Lucy:
“Welcome, child,” he said.
“Aslan,” said Lucy, “you’re bigger.”
“That is because you are older, little one, “answered he.
“Not because you are?”
“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
May this be a Christmas in which we find Christmas bigger, find Jesus bigger as we grow. Let us pray.
Chinese Study Notes
约翰福音 1:1-3
- 欢乐型的人。你生命中有正能量和喜乐,这个季节对你而言就像福杯满溢,代表了你一年的最好感受,同时伴随着装饰、圣诞传统等等。
- 有一些人感到这个季节还是有益处的。这季节不一定是你最喜欢的,但会提醒你生活比你想象的好;因为它让你记起生活中的美好东西,使你得到调整,认识到生命中还有非常好的一面。在这个意义上,圣诞节有益处。
- 但对另一些人而言,这也是一个痛苦的时候,可能上周就有人发现节日中少了某个亲朋好友…
还有一个是公众圣诞节,充满购物、包装、邮寄、开包和Mariah Carey 的圣诞歌曲。诚实地说,这类圣诞是不是更有意思一点?许多人在旅行,街上更是人头攒动。
- 我们下几周不要身在曹营心在汉,坐在教会却心在世界。
- 盼望在这个季节,你可以因神赐独生子到这个世界,经历神所带来的更“心”运动,从而感到满足和喜乐。
马太福音: 给出了耶稣的家谱,深入描绘了约瑟和玛丽亚。
马可福音: 以耶稣的事工开始,并非是他忽视了耶稣的诞生,而是想快速进入十字架的主题。
路加福音: 非常详尽地描述了围绕耶稣诞生所发生的事,是深入的历史记载。
约翰福音: 围绕耶稣来的意义和相关含义。
约翰: 他是一个门徒,与耶稣非常亲近。
约翰福音 1:1-3
- 道就是耶稣。
- 14节最重要: “道成了肉身,居住在我们中间。”
- 约翰说耶稣就是道,希腊文是逻各斯…这道成了肉身。
- 约翰还表明了耶稣道成肉身前的真理事实。
- 一个震惊的开始
太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。 (1)
- 耶稣总在关系中
- 当我们过于强调神性(超越性)时:耶稣就不了解我们的痛苦;我们会将人类经验视为渺小的事,相信神是远远超越这一切的,以致他漠不关心。
- 当我们过于强调人性(内住性)时:神就对我们的痛苦一筹莫展;模糊了神人的界限,也就没有神人关系,以致我们除了做他的工,不会与他有亲密的关系。
这一节的意义就是耶稣总在关系中… 总是!
- 耶稣总在创造中
万有是藉着他而成的;凡所成的,没有一样不是藉着他而成的。 (3)
- 一个震惊的开始
- 耶稣总在关系中
- 耶稣总在创造中
- 你上一次过圣诞感到震惊是什么时候?
- 圣诞节能否推动你和耶稣的关系?
- 特别是如果今年圣诞你有痛苦
- 特别是如果你不满足于公众圣诞
- 耶稣可以医治伤痛,也可以分担你的伤痛。你在这个圣诞节需要他吗?
- 你的工作、熊孩子、头疼的子女教育、破碎的世界、分裂的噪音…圣诞节可以让你得以仰望耶稣,与他建立关系么?
- 你生命中哪里需要重建?我们的世界哪里需要重建?