Anticipating the Light
Anticipating the Light
Scott White & Annie Neufeld
- Isaiah 9:2-7 & John 1:4-9
- Anticipation
- 35 mins 36 secs
- Views: 1290
Pastor's Letter
Anticipating the Light - Week 2
Light is the metaphoric backbone this second week of Advent; the month the Church around the world sets apart for remembering and anticipating the arrival of the One who be a Light to the nations.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Light has long been one of the strongest and most meaningful symbols in all of life. In every culture, poets, artists, musicians and filmmakers have always been drawn to light. Light exudes life; it proclaims life; light is filled with promise and hope. But without its opposite, we could never fully understand the full depth or impact of light.
And so standing in a corner opposite of light, is the dark. A place seen metaphorically by those same artists as lonely, separated, confused, distracted, and hopeless. Instead of promise, at best it is a place of uncertainty and at worst, dangerously destructive.
At the opening of his gospel, John writes so eloquently of light, darkness and their powers. He echoes Isaiah like distant thunder echoes a storm that is still unseen beyond the horizon; it is a familiar sound and we understand what it coming.
John the Baptist's story in this gospel was the thunder ahead of the light that was coming. The Light was dawning, just as Isaiah had foretold, and the Baptizer's mission was to prepare the way in anticipation of that dawn.
This weekend, Pastor Annie and I will retell that ancient story of anticipation from the intersection where light meets dark; where history meets the present, where Lake's calling meets its opportunities; the place where the One who has come, has become the Light of the World. The One who invites us and in fact commanded us, to be Light-Bringers, Sent Ones into a world with still too much darkness and still too many walking in that darkness, awaiting the dawning of a great light.
To His Glory,
Scott White
Interim Executive Pastor of Ministry
Study Guide
Anticipating the Light - Week 2 - Study Guide
Anticipating the light
Isaiah 9:2-7
- What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world?
- In Isaiah 9:4, the prophet says that God is bringing light and peace "as in the day of Midian's defeat." Read Judges 6:1-16 and 7 to get a glimpse of what that means. How did God save Israel and defeat the Midianites? What then can we say about the way in which God will bring light and hope to his people?
- What are some of the areas of darkness in your own life?
- What are some stories of the light shining in the darkness in your community? What are stories of hope, stories of what God is doing in your life or among you?
- How can you participate with God in his Kingdom work to bring justice and righteousness into the world, testifying to the light?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church