Access to God
Access to God
Greg Waybright
- Romans 5:1-2
- Made New - A Study in Romans
- 31 mins 13 secs
- Views: 974
Study Notes
Made New: Access to God
Romans 5:1‑2
Today, we begin a new series of messages from Romans 5-8 that I’m calling “Made New”. This will be a very personal series of messages based on those we just did from Genesis 3. Last week, in my message that took us from the Garden of Eden all the way to the city-garden in Revelation 22, I said that God is on a mission in our world to make everything right, everything the way it is supposed to be.
And, that everything that God is going to make right includes you (and me). Yes, you’re a part of God’s “everything” that he loves so much that will not discard you but restore and renew you. What Romans 5-8 is about is how God takes us individually, as a church community and all creation from where we are to where he promises us we can be. In fact, as Paul reminds us in Phil. 1:6, what God has started in us, he will complete!
Here’s what we will do today:
1) We’ll start with a reminder of what God promises to do in us (What God Will Do) in Romans 5-8.
2) Then, we’ll look at what God has already done as the Bible describes it in Romans 1-4.
3) And we’ll close with asking how God’s work begins his work in us from Romans 5:1-2.
What God Will Do – Conform you to the image of Christ with nothing separating you from the love of God until he’s done (8:29,39).
At the very end of this section in Romans (i.e., ch.8), the Apostle Paul, who wrote this letter, did what I am trying to do now, i.e., he reminded people that nothing right now is quite what it should be but that God has promised that our world will not always be messed up by sin. In Rom 8:18-21, he says that all of what God created in his first 5½ days of creation is decaying and affected by sin and that it longs for God to do what he has promised, i.e., to “liberate it from the bondage of decay.”
Then, Paul said that every human being, including those who have believed on Jesus and have the Spirit of God in us are also longing for God to finish his work in us and our world. In 8:23, we too “groan inwardly as we wait eagerly… for our redemption, including that of our bodies -- for in this hope we were saved.”
Then, in 8:28-29, we read a remarkable promise: In all things God is working for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. What is that “good”? What is that “purpose”? “For those God foreknew he also gave this promised destiny: to be conformed to the image of his Son.”
When you believe in and walk with Jesus, God promises he will work all things to bring about a good purpose in your life – to have your life be conformed to the way that Jesus is. It’s amazing. What is it like?
One way to grasp this is to think of the Beauty and the Beast story:
I know this isn’t a perfect illustration of what God promises to do in our lives – but it’s quite good.
- A young man, a prince, who had everything going for him – like Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 – is turned into a beast because of his selfish ways. It’s just like Adam and Eve who selfishly wanted to be God instead of simply to be like God.
- The consequences of a curse did not just affect the prince – but everything around him – the woods, the clock, the candlestick and even the teacup. And the effect of Adam’s selfishness also negatively affects all of creation. All creation is longing for the curse of sin to be broken.
- And the restoration of the prince is a supernatural work brought on by love.
Of course, other things about the Beauty and the Beast story are not like the Bible’s, e.g., how the curse is broken, how quickly that transformation takes place (about a minute), etc.
But, maybe you’ll remember this illustration to remind you of the wonderful work that God promises to do in you. When you feel the reality of temptation, endure the ravages of anxiety or depression, and experience the injustices that fill our world because of the widespread impact of sin and evil – I hope you will remember that God loves you and is at work in all things to bring about his good purpose in your life. He promises to make you to be someone whose life is re-shaped to be like that of Jesus.
Never forget that truth as, all through this series in Romans 5-8, we’ll consider how God takes you and me from the imperfect people that we are, worshiping in the still-imperfect church that we are, living in the imperfect world we live in, and keeps his promise to “make all things new (Rev. 21:5).”
And, now, let us look at what God had to do so that he could begin that work in us and in our world.
What God Has Done -- Since we have been justified through faith… (5:1)
That beginning phrase in 5:1 and the word “since” points us back to everything that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 1-4. God has found a way to make us right with him -- even when he knows that things are not right inside us (and we know it too). He has found a way to declare that those who are wrong with him are right with him. But how?
For almost three full chapters in Romans, the Apostle Paul speaks about the mess we’ve made of ourselves as human beings. By the time we get to Rom 3:20, we have no doubt that each one of us human beings – regardless of age, skin color, or religious background – is hopeless before God on our own. Paul ends saying things like, “There is no one righteous, not even one… (3:10)”. And, “No one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law (3:20)” Most of us get up in the morning each day wanting to live better than we have – but then we find that we fail again – and again – and again.
But, then from 3:21-4:25, Paul says that in spite of our sins and failure, God has made a way to make us right with him. Some of you know some of the verses: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus (3:23-24).” And Paul ends his case in Romans 4:25 when he declares, “Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”
Let me put it this way, when you read through the first four chapters of Romans, you will read a lot of teaching about weighty things. To put it more simply, when you read Romans 1-4 you will read:
- The bad news about yourself and about every other human being,
- The good news about the fact that God still loves you – and about what God has done for you and makes available to you and to every human being,
- The surprising news that the response God wants from you is not that you have to earn His favor by trying to be perfect enough to be accepted by Him,
- And the even better news that what he wants you to do is simply to respond to his gift by receiving His gift of salvation with childlike faith in Jesus. He wants you to begin following Jesus by faith.
If you’ve experienced that in your life, you love it. If you haven’t experienced the reality of God in your life, then I am praying that today will be your day of salvation.
So, that’s what God has done. He sent Jesus who lived the sinless life that you and I should – but haven’t and can’t! Then, Jesus died the death you and I deserve but he did it for us – in our place – so now we don’t have to die for our own sins. So, Paul wrote, “Since we have been justified through faith… (5:1).” Have you been? If you have, then that brings us to the last point I want to make today: Throughout this series in Romans, we will see how God will complete his work of making you new? Today, I can only show you where he begins.
How God’s Work Begins in You -- We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand… (5:1b-2)
What I want you to focus on is this word “access” that leads to peace. “Access” -- What an important word that word "access" is for having peace. Have you ever gone to a store or company where, when you wanted to resolve a problem, first you had to stand in a line for a long time? When you got the front, the person behind the desk would say, "I don't handle that kind of problem. You have to fill out some form at the desk over there – and then go over to that other line..." There always seemed to be so much that stood between you and access to whoever it is that could resolve the problem. It's frustrating! It robs peace.
Paul is saying that gaining access to God isn't like that. You don't have to go through a priest or some saint, or fill out forms, or do amazing tasks to prove you’re worthy. No, you have access by faith in Jesus. The idea behind the word “access” is that of a welcome. You and I are welcome into the presence of God.
Usually, we talk about wanting access when there is something we think we really, really need! Have you ever felt you needed something but just couldn’t get access it? A few months ago, in the midst of having a lot of deadlines to complete, I was flying back from Wheaton, IL to LA. I had chosen the flight I took because it was supposed to have in air Wi-Fi. I thought, “I’ll be able to get the research I need to get done during those four hours in flight. But -- just as we took off, the purser, the chief flight attendant, came on the intercom to say, “We’re sorry to announce that Wi-Fi will not be available on today’s flight.” I almost yelled out (though I didn’t), “No! False advertising! That’s why I took this flight!” I felt I needed the access. I couldn’t get access on my own. So, I was not at peace.
In vv.1-2, the Bible says that the access we have through faith in Jesus gives us “peace with God”. Let me tell you – Peace with God is what you most need in your life. It’s the starting point for everything else in your life being made right. I know that when we talk about peace these days, we usually mean either the absence of war or a moment of quietness (e.g., "I want a minute of peace and quiet!") But usually the Bible uses the word in a much deeper way. Peace – or shalom -- was a marvelous and rich word for most first century Jewish people because they believed that when their long-awaited Messiah would come, he would introduce a time when everything will be made right in our lives and in our world. They would remember back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were in harmony with God, with one another, and with their world.
Do you remember it from the weeks we’ve spent in Genesis 1-3? Everything in the world was very good until people walked away from God. Look again at how that Gen. 3 ended in 3:24. After people had sinned and had to leave the Garden of Eden, “God placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.”
Do you see it? People no longer had “access”, access to God. All people are made in the image of God. We were created to know God. As Ecclesiastes puts it, “God has placed eternity in our hearts.” But, because of our sin, we have no access to God.
But, now, hear the good news: Jesus died on the cross to give us access to God again. When we come to know God, everything begins to be made new. Nothing is quite right until we get things right with God. What Paul is saying in these to verses is that the peace which we long for but which was lost with Adam has now been made available again to us. The punishment necessary for our peace has been turned away from us and put onto the One who never sinned.
When, people walked away from God, it messed everything up. When you bring God into the center of our lives, then everything else begins to fit together. And, Jesus is the one who gives you access – access into the presence of God that is so personal that you and I can know God as “Abba” – Dad – Father.
And that brings us now to our communion service. Let me summarize what I’ve said to you: 1) God promises that he will take all that is wrong in your life, in the church and in the world and make it new. It will be even more wonderful than the beast becoming a prince again in Beauty and the Beast. 2) God has made a way to forgive and cleanse all that is wrong in your life. The punishment necessary for people like us to have peace with God was placed on Jesus when he died in our place – out of love for you and me. 3) The first step to your life being made new is to place your faith in Jesus and begin a life of following him. Jesus, and Jesus alone, gives you access to God.
What is your response to God’s Word today? Is this a day when you will, at last, become a Christian? Or, is this a day in which you will recommit every part of your life to him? Pray about that as Pastor Chuck Hunt comes to lead us to the time of remembrance that Jesus himself instituted. We will remember what it cost so that you and I might be “made new”.
Chinese Study Notes
羅馬書 5:12
1) 首先,我們要藉着羅馬書第五至八章提醒自己,神應許我們,祂將要在我們裏面做什么工作
2) 接下來,我們要看一看,在羅馬書第一至四章中,說到了哪些神已經成就的事情。
3) 最後,我們求問神,祂將如何從羅馬書5:12所說的那樣的境況中,在我們裏面開始作工?
神將要做什麽 ---- 使你有基督的樣式,並使一切都不能叫你與神的愛隔絕,直到祂成就那工的日子(8:29,39)
當你相信耶穌,並與祂同行時,神就應許你,祂將使萬事互相效力,為你的生命帶來益處 ---- 使你的生命順服耶穌的道路。太奇妙了。應當如何理解這一點呢?其中的一種理解方式,是藉著美女與野獸的故事:
• 一個年輕人,一位王子,擁有一切,就像創世紀第二章中的亞當和夏娃,然而卻因著他的自私而變為一頭野獸。正如亞當和夏娃,自私地想要成為神,而不是成為神的樣式。
• 那個咒語的結果,不單影響到王子,也影響到他周圍的一切----木頭,鐘表,燭臺,甚至茶杯。亞當的自私也負面地影響到了一切的創造,所有的被造物都渴望罪的咒語被破解。
• 王子若要恢復人形,就需要藉著愛所帶來的超自然的工作
神已成就的事 --- 我們既已因信稱義(5:1)
羅馬書5:1一開始提到的“因信稱義”這個詞和“既因”一字,指明了使徒保羅在羅馬書1-4中所寫的一切,神已經找到了使我們在祂面前成為美善的方法,即使祂知道,我們裏面並不是美善的(我們自己也知道)。 祂找到了一種方法,宣告那些原本有虧欠的人是“義”的。 怎樣能做到這樣呢?
保羅在羅馬書幾乎用了整整三章的篇幅,敘述了我們人類所造成的混亂。 當我們來到羅馬書3章20節時,我們毫不懷疑,我們每個人,無論年齡,膚色或信仰背景如何,靠著自己的行為,在神的面前都是毫無盼望的。保羅在結尾說:“沒有義人,連一個也沒有!... ”(3:10)並且,“沒有一個人因行律法,能在神面前稱義。”(3:20)我們大多數人每天早上起來,都想要生活得比以往更好,然而我們卻發現自己一次又一次地失敗了。
然而在3:21--4:25中,保羅說,盡管我們犯罪和失敗,神仍舊設法使我們在祂眼中成為義人。 可能有人知道這些經文:“因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了 神的榮耀;如今卻蒙 神的恩典,因基督耶穌的救贖,就白白地稱義。 ”(3:23-24)保羅這章的結尾,4:25中宣告說:“耶穌因我們的罪而受死,並且為了使我們能稱義的緣故,又從死裏復活。”
當你讀完羅馬書的前四章,你會看到很多重要的教導。 簡單來說,當你讀羅馬書1-4章時,你會看到:
- 關於自己和所有其他人的壞消息
- 好消息是,神仍然愛你、以及神為你和每個人所做和所預備的事。
- 令人驚訝的消息是,神想要讓你做的,並非通過你努力達到完美而賺取得到神的喜悅。
- 更好的消息是,他想要你做的,僅僅是在耶穌裏,以孩子般的信心,接受祂所賜給你救恩的禮物。祂希望你靠著信心開始跟隨耶穌。
如果在你的生命中,已經經歷過這樣的事,你一定會喜歡。 如果你還沒有經歷過神的真實,那麽我祈禱,今天將成為你得到救恩的日子。
這就是神的作為。 祂差派了耶穌,在世上以毫無瑕疵的生命而生活,這無罪的生命是你我所應當擁有的,然而你我卻不具備,也無法擁有! 然後,耶穌又代替了我們,擔當了你和我應當承受的死亡,因此現在,我們不必為我們自己的罪而受死。 所以保羅寫道:“我們既因信稱義... 5:1。”你因信稱義了嗎? 如果有,那麽我今天所要講的最後一點是:在羅馬書的整個講道系列中,我們將看到,神如何完成使你成為新造的人的工作。今天,我只能告訴你祂從哪裏開始這項工作。
神的工作如何在你們裏面開始 ---- 我們在神裏的平安是通過我們的主耶穌基督而獲得,“我們又藉著祂,因信得進入現在所站的這恩典中…... ”(5:1b-2)
我想讓你關註的是 “進入” 這個詞,它帶我們進入“平安”。 “進入”是多麽 一個重要的詞!“進入”是為了擁有平安。 你是否曾經去過某一家商店或公司,為要解決一個問題,首先就要排很長時間的隊? 當你排到了前面,桌子後面的人會說:“這種問題不歸我處理,你得在那邊的桌子填表,然後去排另一行隊...”仿佛你離那個幫你解決問題的人總是那麽遙遠,無法靠近。這實在令人沮喪! 它奪走了你的平安。
保羅的意思是,靠近神卻不是這樣的。 你不必通過牧師或聖人,或填寫表格,或者完成出色的工作,來證明你的資格。 不!你是藉著信耶穌來進入神裏面。 “進入”一詞背後的意思是歡迎。 神歡迎你和我來到祂的同在之中。
通常來說,當我們想到進入這個詞的時候,都是我們覺得自己確實需要什麽的時候,你有沒有曾經覺得你需要什麽,但卻無法進入得到它的途徑? 幾個月前,我需要在最後期限完成很多事情,在那期間,我從伊利諾伊州的惠頓市坐飛機到洛杉磯。 我選擇了我乘坐的那趟航班,是因為它提供空中上網服務。 我想,“在這飛行中的四個小時裏,我應該能夠完成我需要做的研究。 但是,就在我們起飛不久,首席空中乘務長在飛機上的廣播中說:“我們很抱歉地宣布,今天的航班將無法使用上網服務。”我幾乎喊出來(當然我沒有)“不!假信息!因為有上網服務我才乘坐這個航班”,我需要進入網上服務,但我無法靠著自己進入,所以,我沒有平安。
在第1-2節說,藉著信靠耶穌,我們得以“與神和好”。 讓我告訴你,與神和好是你生活中最需要的。 這是使你生命的一切都成為美善的起點。 我知道,當我們今天在談論平安的時候,我們通常指的是沒有戰爭、或一個安靜的時刻(比如,“我想要一分鐘的和平與安靜!”)但通常聖經使用這個詞時有更深刻的含義。平安或“沙洛姆”是大多數第一世紀的猶太人所使用的一個奇妙和含義豐富的詞,因為他們相信,當他們期待已久的彌賽亞來到的時刻,祂將會告訴大家,祂的來臨,會使我們的生命與世上的一切都將變為美好。 他們應該想到當年的伊甸園,那時亞當夏娃與神、與彼此、並與世界都和諧同在。
你看到了嗎? 人們不再有“進入”到神面前的途徑。 所有的人都是按神的形象造的。 我們被造是為了認識神。 正如傳道書所說的:“神將永生安置在世人心裏。”但是,因為我們的罪,我們不能進入神的同在。
然而現在,請聽這個好消息:耶穌死在十字架上,讓我們再次得以進到神面前。 當我們來認識神時,一切都開始變成新的。只有我們擺正與神的關系,一切才會是美善的。保羅在這些經文中的意思是:我們所渴望的、也就是當年亞當失去的平安,現在已經再次提供給我們了。 我們得平安所必需的懲罰,已經從我們身上拿去,卻加在了那個從未犯過罪的人身上。
當人們離棄神時,一切都混亂了。 而當你將神帶進生命的中心時,一切又都開始變得和諧。 並且,耶穌就是使你進入神同在的那一位,進入神的同在,是如此的個人性,你和我都可以認神為自己的“阿爸” - 爸爸 - 父親。
接下來我們到了領聖餐的時間。 讓我總結一下我的信息:1)神應許說,祂會將你生命中、教會裏和世上的一切錯誤,都更新了。 這比電影《美女與野獸》中的野獸變為王子的故事更加美妙。2)神已經潔凈了你生命中所有的不義,並且找到了赦免你的途徑。神出於愛我們的緣故,將那些本應該由我們來擔當的懲罰放在了耶穌的身上,以至於我們得以與神和好。 3)使你的生命更新的第一步,就是把你的信心放在耶穌裏面,開始一個跟隨祂的生活。 耶穌,唯有耶穌,讓你進入神的同在。
今天,你對神的話語有何種回應? 今天是否是你最終成為一個基督徒的日子呢? 或者,今天是否是你再次將你生命的每一部分都交托給祂的日子呢?當查克∙亨特牧師帶領我們進到耶穌所設立的紀念祂的時間裏時,請讓我們為此而禱告。 我們會記住,是何樣的代價,才使得你和我的生命得以“更新”。
Greg Waybright 博士