A Visitation from God
A Visitation from God
Greg Waybright
- Acts 2:5-41:0
- The Breakthrough
- 41 mins 19 secs
- Views: 1717
Pastor's Letter
A Visitation from God - Week 4
Over the centuries, most people have gone to church hoping to meet God there. Most of us have an intuition that there is a God in this universe who is to be known. So, we go to church to see whether we can get to know him. Some go hoping to have a first encounter with God. Others go to have their understandings and experiences of God deepened. As that happens, we begin to engage in what we call worship, i.e., putting God at the center of our vision and offering him our questions as well as our thanks and praise. The definition of “worship” I use is this: Worship is the proper response of the whole of our lives to our Triune God. When we worship, we ascribe all honor, praise, and worth to God precisely because he is worthy. True worship results in God’s being at the center of both our adoration and our action, both in our personal lives and in our corporate gatherings.
Over the centuries, most people have gone to church hoping to meet God there. Most of us have an intuition that there is a God in this universe who is to be known. So, we go to church to see whether we can get to know him. Some go hoping to have a first encounter with God. Others go to have their understandings and experiences of God deepened. As that happens, we begin to engage in what we call worship, i.e., putting God at the center of our vision and offering him our questions as well as our thanks and praise. The definition of “worship” I use is this:
Worship is the proper response of the whole of our lives to our Triune God. When we worship, we ascribe all honor, praise, and worth to God precisely because he is worthy. True worship results in God’s being at the center of both our adoration and our action, both in our personal lives and in our corporate gatherings.
I am aware that there are things other than meeting with and worshiping God that get us into church—like our parents or our spouses making us go. Lots of people go to church simply out of tradition or habit. Some go even because they like the music or the speaker. However, those things rarely keep us going. If we like a certain kind of music, we find that we can get the style we like by buying a concert ticket or mp3 download. If we want a good motivational speech, we can go to our sales meeting or pull up a TED Talk. If we want a social experience, we can go to a bar or social club. But, at church, we hope to actually meet God, learn more about him, and worship him together with other people.
Ann Ortlund, a long-time member and leader at Lake Avenue Church, wrote about this in her book, Up with Worship. She said that we should go to church hungry to encounter God with others. Ann wrote, “When you get together, what’s to be your common goal? It’s not just to follow an order of service with a minimum number of goofs. …Your common goal is nothing less than to connect with God himself:
Veni, Spirite, Sancte. Oh yes, God, do come, please.”
In Acts 2, we will read about a lot of people meeting God. I pray that the same will happen in our church.
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
A Visitation from God - Week 4 - Study Notes
Study Notes available in English and Chinese translations.
Many of us have been sensing that there is a fresh movement of God among us here at LAC. So, this week I am going to focus on personal encounters with God that fall outside our normal experience with God as churchgoers. We witness several reports in the Book of Acts telling about times when God meets his people in a fresh way. What I mean is: It has never been church people's every-day experience that typhoon-like winds blow into a room followed by tongues of fire resting on people's heads -- resulting in those people speaking in languages they have never learned. But, Acts 2 reports that this truly happened.
A visitation from God
Acts 2:14-41
Many of us have been sensing that there is a fresh movement of God among us here at LAC. So, this week I am going to focus on personal encounters with God that fall outside our normal experience with God as churchgoers. We witness several reports in the Book of Acts telling about times when God meets his people in a fresh way. What I mean is: It has never been church people's every-day experience that typhoon-like winds blow into a room followed by tongues of fire resting on people's heads -- resulting in those people speaking in languages they have never learned. But, Acts 2 reports that this truly happened.
I want to talk about these meetings with God both as a church and to us as individuals. On the individual plane, we sometimes talk about those times in which God seems more present and real than usual. When these special meetings with God happen in a church as a whole, we speak of revival. Today, I want to talk 1) mostly about revival and then 2) briefly about how you might meet God personally
First to the Church as a Whole: Revival
In Acts 2, Luke gives witness to the special in-breaking of God at a Pentecost festival. We will see another movement of God's Spirit in in Acts 4 and once again, described very briefly, in Acts 6. Those who are students of church history know that there have been times throughout the history of the church – often launched through the passionate faith of young people and students – that people have experienced special church wide movements of God that we call revival.
So, as I talk about revival today, I want you to know this: God is always ready to be known through faith in Jesus. God is always present and at work in this world. But, there are times in which God does a special work of renewal, restoration and revival in the lives of churches.
Also, hear this: Revival has always comes to those committed to the essentials of biblical faith. It hasn't come to groups like the Unitarians or Scientologists who deny the central truths of biblical faith. Still, having said that, God seems to spread his renewal around among his children. In Korea, revival started largely among Presbyterians. In Africa, mostly among Anglicans. In Latin and South America, among Pentecostals. Revival an act of God and God doesn't seem to have favorite denominations. He visits as he will. So, how might we discern whether God whether God is doing something special among us?
Views of Revival
Many of us at LAC are longing for/praying for God's Spirit to blow through us in a new way these days. But, I know I have to be very clear here. By "revival", churchgoers can think several different things:
#1: We Don't Need It – This has been the response I've gotten when I've talked about revival in very traditional – often older denominational – church settings. There are people who say there is no such thing as revival. They often say, "Revival? Who needs it? We're insulted that you even think we need it. We love our church as it is. We don't want any fanaticism around here."
#2: We can make it happen – This is the kind of church I grew up in back in WV. Twice a year we had "revival services." But, how could we decide to have something that only God can send? Still, over and over I heard went to church and heard, "We're going to have a revival. You need to bring all your friends and unsaved relatives. And, we need to promote it well. Of course, we need the right kind of music (a point that always caused some division). And, we need a preacher who can engage the people. Let's give prizes for those who bring the most people." It didn't seem very spiritual to me as a boy. And, now I see that, although some people came to faith in Jesus at these services (PTL!), true revival isn't something that we make happen. I think what we did was closer to an evangelistic service. Revival is God's work. In revival, God lets us know, "I am with you." We don't "make revival happen." God sends it.
#3: It's all about signs and wonders – There has been a strong tendency among some to think that the essence of revival is extraordinary miracles, healings, and signs. Many have said that if we see healings and experience words of knowledge then, ipso facto, it is a revival. When I was ministering in India years ago, I remember a pastor telling me about a Satanic cult in which there were ongoing healings (of sorts) and wonders. He was convinced that, although God does miracles and often does them in the midst of revival, that signs and wonders are not revivals in and of themselves. I'm sure he was right.
So, if I think each of those views can lead us astray in differing ways, then how might we know when God's Spirit is moving in an authentic way among us? As we read about the breakthroughs by God's Spirit in Acts and hear the testimonies of renewal movements throughout history, we can discern four recognizable marks of revival. They are the fingerprints characterizing these special times of God's presence:
The Usual Cycle of God's Restorative Acts
1. The Sense of Longing – Something's missing
Often, revival has emerged out of times of crisis – out of those times in which we sense that things seem out of whack and that we cannot make it on our own. This is true of us as individuals and true of churches. In those times, we can go one of two directions: 1) We can turn away from God in anger or frustration or 2) we can fall upon God in faith. When we become utterly dependent on God, we become open to God doing whatever he will in our lives. So, in Acts 4, it was after the first imprisonment of church leaders that the earth shook and God's Spirit moved among his people. In Acts 6 it was in the face of heavy persecution that a movement of God emerged. Later, in the greatest revival of my lifetime, the Korean revival emerged after decades of heavy persecution from surrounding nations. The same has often been the case with revivals.
But, there have also been times when revival has come when good things are be happening in our lives or in our churches – but still there is a longing for a deeper connection with God, a greater love for people, and a more substantial impact in the community and world. Often student movements have looked at the church and sensed that the church was growing complacent and operating in the same way as the world. When we focus more on the Harvard Business Review than the Bible to guide our planning, we may find a new generation longing for a fresh wind of the Spirit to move. Revival movements have always begun when God's people have a deep sense of longing for God to take over and make himself known.
2. The Time of Seeking – Active waiting
The movement of the Spirit in Acts 2 began after centuries of waiting. People like Simeon, reported in Luke 2, had remained righteous and devout as he waited for God with the Holy Spirit being "on him." Also in Luke 2, there was an 84-year-old woman named Anna who fasted day and night for years waiting for God. Even after the resurrection and ascension, the disciples had to wait in obedience and prayer for God to move.
The same thing is seen in every revival movement in history. The Moravian Community in 1727 commenced a round-the-clock "prayer watch" that continued nonstop for over a hundred years. At the beginning of 1727 the community of about three hundred people was wracked by dissension and bickering. Five months later, on May 12, the Spirit of God moved among them. Christians were aglow with new life and power, dissension vanished and unbelievers were converted. But, it was a hundred years later that this movement touched the life of people like John Wesley and led to the huge revivals called the Great Awakenings. The same can be said of almost every time of God's revival around the world. The longing I mentioned point #1 gave way to periods of God's people setting aside time to seek God together.
I believe that, if we indeed are experiencing a sense of longing for God to work in a new way among us here at LAC, we need to set aside time to seek him together. That's why we are setting aside time on Sunday evenings to gather to pray and worship God. But, as God leads, I urge you to spend more time in prayer in your classes and small groups. Pray more individually. Don't be impatient. Here in America, we love instant gratification. But, God honors faithfulness. Let's engage in a faithful time of seeking his face.
3. The Moment of Visitation – God makes his presence known
We read about this in Acts 2 as being a mighty wind blowing through the room and fire descending. In Acts 4, the entire building the believers were in began to shake. In Genesis 21, we read of a visitation of the Angel of the Lord to Abraham's family that resulted in the old woman named Sarah becoming pregnant. My point is that God makes himself known in many different ways when he visits. Still, in times of revival throughout history, God has chosen ways to himself known in unmistakably to those seeking him. The term that many Christians have used for this is "visitation". God visits his people.
I've experienced this a couple of times in my own life. One of those was not as dramatic as Acts 2 or Acts 4. But, several years ago, God sent us a revival at Trinity International University. There had been a mess in our athletic programs. On one weekend I had to dismiss 18 students for infractions as serious as anything you could find on any secular campus in the world. We felt called to seek God after this crisis. A group of seminary students began mentoring some of our football players and decided to take them to a spiritual retreat. While there, the Lord "visited" them. This resulted in humble confession of serious sin, and a deep repentance from that sin and a turning to God. These football players returned to campus with the fire of God in their hearts. They decided to invite other students to join them in a time of seeking God together. They called it the FAT movement, i.e., students committed to being Faithful, Available, and Teachable.
Students gathered every Thursday evening simply for worship and prayer. This resulted among that larger group in open and honest confession of sin and a turning to God. And, God "visited" our campus. There was a certainty that God was among us. These students turned the campus upside town as they shared openly about their new lives with God. After this time of visitation, football players who one day were being disciplined for serious infractions, on the next were confessing sins and giving praise for the grace of God. And, they went out and gave witness to the reality of God that led to high school students in the public schools coming to faith and joining the revival. Then, they went to a local secular college and experienced people coming to Jesus and joining the times of revival. And that brings me to the last point.
4. The Life of Transformation – Witness and Service
Every revival that has ever happened in history has led to people going out and witnessing to Jesus as the savior of the world. And, they also have shown the love of Christ to those they meet. Revivals in England led to people beginning schools for kids who had never before had the opportunity to learn to go to school. The great awakenings in our own country led to the founding of orphanages all through the east and south. When we truly meet God, we know this cannot be a private thing. We share our faith. We care about people. Social change happens. People who were viewed as outsiders are welcomed into the church and called brother and sister. (I'll say a word about this next week.) The poor come into the church and find a family. Hospitals have been started out of revival. Slavery has been opposed.
What happens is that we simply do the things we know a Christian should do – like witnessing and loving people – but we do them with a passion and fearlessness we've never thought possible. When we meet God, we know what once seemed impossible is not impossible. Obstacles that seemed insurmountable are not insurmountable. Eternal things become more important and temporary things are seen to be temporary.
Tim Keller puts it this way: "Revival is the work of God in which the church is both beautified and empowered because the normal operations of the Holy Spirit – the conviction of sin, enjoyment of grace, access to the presence of God (Waybright add: empowerment for witness, growing desire for justice, deeper love for people) – are intensified." Tim Keller (mostly)
Let me boil this down: What happens when we have this longing for God that leads to a time of patient seeking God and a visitation from God?
1. God is more real to us than ever
2. Others in the world begin to notice a difference in our lives
3. People come to faith in Jesus through our witness
4. Christians have a noticeable impact upon their neighborhood and world
Don't you long for these things to happen? If so, let me take my last moments to speak about what Acts 2 says about you having a personal encounter with God.
Now to You Personally
The movement of God in Acts 2:1-13 led to the first Christian sermon, a powerful sermon preached by a fisherman named Peter. At the end, this man who had just been touched by revival called people to meet God too – and 3,000 did! What did he say?
Point 1: God is – he is at work in this world—and he is ready to meet you (2:16-21)
The people who were listening to Peter's sermon believed in God but did not know him personally. (Are you like that?) The question everyone was asking after seeing people filled with God's Spirit was this: "What does this mean?" To that question, Peter took them back to the old prophecies contained in Scripture. Specifically he took them to Joel 2. Read what he says in vv. 16-21 and you'll see he declares that God exists and has always been working out a beautiful plan in this world – in spite of all the evil and injustice that is here. In God's plan, evil will not go unabated and unpunished. No, God is in charge working out a plan in which ultimately all will be made new. God has promised (v. 21) that a day has come when everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. And those who will experience God will be "sons and daughters, young and old..." Peter says, "All people will be able to experience the Spirit of God."
God exists! God is involved in this world. God is working out a plan in this world in keeping with his prophecies. And, he's ready to give his Spirit to you!" That's what Peter says. Do you believe it? Hebrews 11 puts it this way: "Anyone who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Do you believe that?
Point 2: You will meet God personally only through faith in Jesus (2:22-36)
I believe we can sense on our own that God exists. We can even have some experience of God's reality on our own. Have you ever had that? But, Peter insists (and so do I) that you cannot have a personal relationship with God without Jesus. In his sermon, Peter says again and again, "Jesus of Nazareth was the man accredited by God... (2:22)" Peter goes on: "This Jesus" (a phrase he uses several times) – "this Jesus" did what God alone can do. He alone lived the life human beings were made to live but none of us has. He alone was able and willing to die in our place. And Jesus did it – he died on the cross. But the grave could not hold him. That's what Peter preached. The truth of Jesus he is has been made known because Jesus rose from the grave. Peter told them – "You know this. We are all witnesses to this." (See v. 32.) The point: To begin to know God personally, you must turn in faith to Jesus. That's where it starts.
Point 3: You need to admit your sin and repent of it.
In v. 23, Peter preached, "Wicked men put him to death by nailing him to a cross." You might think, "Whew. That's not me!" But look again. In v. 36, Peter declared, "God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah."
He told all of the people gathered that day, "You crucified him!" But, technically, most of them were not there when Jesus was arrested, condemned and crucified. Most of them had traveled from far away to come to this festival. What could Peter have meant by this? And, those gathered there accepted his verdict! In v. 37, they were cut to the heart and asked, "What shall we do?"
On one side, I think they understood something much more clearly than most of us do. They knew they were very much a part of a world and a society in which they too embraced the sinful and selfish ways that led to Jesus' crucifixion. We're so individualistic that we almost always think, "I didn't do it so I'm OK." But they knew that what was in the hearts of those who cried, "Crucify him. Crucify Jesus!" was also in their hearts. They accepted that. Now, you may not accept that but you may be able to see that you too have sins in your mind, in your attitude and in your actions that keep you from God. You too have sinned. You too need forgiveness. And the only way to get that is to have someone die in your place and to defeat both sin and death as Jesus did. As Peter proclaimed in v. 40, you need to be save from this corrupt generation.
To meet God, this is what you must do: Repent of your sins. Tell God you need to be made right with him. Place your faith in Jesus. Ask him to come in and take over your life. (This is what we declare when we are baptized.) And you too will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
What happened to three thousand people after Peter's sermon can happen to you. Your past can be washed clean. You can meet God – today.
Salvation is found in no one else (other than Jesus), for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we may be saved... (Acts 4:12) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
我們當中許多人感覺到,在這個教會中,有神清新的運動。因此,這個星期我們將重點宣講個人與神的相遇,而不是像常來教會的人那種普通的與神的經歷。在《使徒行傳》中我們可以見證幾個這樣的報道,在報道中,神以一種清新的方式與祂的子民相遇。我的意思是:對於教會的人來講,這種經歷不是天天都有——像颱風一樣的風吹入房間,然後有火舌落在人頭上——結果那些人開始講方言。但是,在《使徒行傳》2章,這樣的事真的發生了。 我想講的這些與神的相遇,既是對教會,也是對我們個人。在個人方面,我們有時所談論的是指神比平常更多的、更真實地臨在。當這些與神特別的相遇發生在整個教會中時,我們稱之為復興。今天,我想講兩點:1)大部分是復興方面的內容;2)簡要地講一下你個人如何經歷神。
在《使徒行傳》2章,路加給了一個見證,在五旬節神特別地降臨。我們會在《使徒行傳》4章看到聖靈的另一個運動,在第6章也會再次看到相關內容的極簡短的描述。那些學習教會歷史的學生,都知道在教會歷史上有幾次這樣的情形——常常由充滿強烈信心的年輕人或者學生發起—人們經歷了教會範圍的神的運動,我們稱之為復興。 因此,當我今天講到復興時,我希望你能瞭解這些:神總是要我們通過在耶穌裡的信心來認識祂。神一直在這個世界上,並且一直在工作。但是,有幾次神在教會的生活中做了特殊的更新、恢復和復興的工作。 另外,還要聽一下:復興總是來自於對聖經基要信仰的委身。它不是來自於一些組織,比如唯一神論者或是科學論派,他們否定聖經信仰中的核心真理。並且,神似乎一直在祂的兒女中不斷擴展祂的更新工作。在韓國,復興主要是在長老會中開始。在非洲,大部分是在聖公會。在南美洲,是在五旬節派。神看起來似乎並不偏愛那個教派。祂按著祂自己的意願來做。那麼,我們如何能辨明神是否要在我們教會中做些特別的事情?
#1:我們不需要它——當我在一些以傳統的、老的教派、教會組織中談論復興的時候,我聽到了這種回饋。有人說沒有復興的事。他們常說:“復興?誰需要它?如果你認為我們需要它,我們就是在受侮辱。我們喜歡教會現在的樣子。在這兒我們不想有任何的宗教狂熱。” #2:我們能讓它發生——我在西佛吉尼亞成長的教會就屬於這一種。一年兩次我們有“復興會”。但是,我們怎麼能決定擁有只有從神而來的東西呢?我在教會裡一次又一次的聽到,“我們將會有一個復興。你要把你所有的朋友和沒有得救的親屬都帶來。我們需要推動它。當然,我們需要選對的音樂(一種觀點常常會導致分裂)。我們需要一位能夠吸引大家的傳道者。讓我們把獎勵分給那些能夠帶來最多人的人。”我還是一個小男孩的時候,覺得那些看起來似乎是非常不屬靈的。現在我發現,儘管一些人在那幾場復興會上在信心中接受了耶穌(讚美主!),但真正的復興不是人能讓它發生的。我想我們做的,比較接近于一個福音播道聚會。復興是神的工作。在復興中,神會讓我們知道,“我與你們同在。”我們不能“使復興發生。”是神自己派遣的。 #3: 那是神跡奇事——在有些人當中有一種很強烈的傾向,認為復興的本質是超凡的神跡、醫治和奇事。很多人說,假如我們看到醫治,或者經歷一些智慧的話語,基於那樣的事實,才是復興。多年前,當我在印度宣教時,我記得有一位牧師告訴我,有一些撒旦邪教,就是一直的行所謂的醫治和奇事。他確信,儘管神行神跡,並且常常在復興中行神跡,但那些神跡奇事本身不是復興。我確信他是對的。 所以,如果我認為上面這些觀點讓我們偏離誤入歧途的話,那麼當神的靈在我們當中真實運行時,我們又如何知道呢?我們在《使徒行傳》中看到了聖靈的突破點,並且聽到了整個歷史中有關更新運動的見證。我們可以觀察到四個可辨認的復興的特徵。它們表明一些特別的時候神臨在留下的蹤跡。
神的復興行動的通常週期 1.渴慕的感覺—覺得少了什麼東西 通常,復興是在危機時產生-那些時候我們會感覺到事情看上去失控,並且我們也不能做什麼。這對我們個人和教會來說,都是很真實的。在那些時候,我們能在兩個方向中選擇一個:1)我們可以在憤怒或挫敗中離開神,或是2)我們可以在信心中緊緊抓住神。當我們完全來信靠神的時候,我們會變得對神敞開,讓神在我們的生命中做任何祂想做的。因此,在《使徒行傳》4章,在教會領袖第一次被關押時,地大大震動,神的靈把祂的百姓救了出來。在《使徒行傳》6章,面對大的逼迫時,神的運動出現了。後來,我們這個時代最偉大的復興——韓國的復興,出現在韓國被周圍的一些國家逼迫之後。同樣的例子總是伴隨復興而發生。 但是,很多時候,當復興來臨時,也會有好事在我們生活中或者教會中出現。但那裡通常會有一種與神更深的連接的渴望,一種對人的更大的愛,一種對社區和世界的更重要的影響。常常學生運動是看到教會或者感覺到教會開始往自滿的方向發展,並且在以和世界相同的方式運行。當我們更多以《哈佛商業評論》而不是用聖經來引導我們的規劃時,我們可能發現新一代人渴望新的靈風運行。當神的百姓深切渴慕神來掌管自己並想更多認識神時,復興運動就已經開始了。 2.尋求的時機-積極的等待 《使徒行傳》2章中的聖靈在經過幾世紀的等待才開始運行。《路加福音》2章中記載,人們像西門一樣,當他等待神以聖靈澆灌他時,他一直保持公義和敬虔。《路加福音》2章中還記載,有一個84歲的叫Anna的婦人,她日夜禁食很多年來等候神。甚至是耶穌死裡復活並升天後,門徒必須順服等候並禱告求神來做工。 在歷史上每次復興運動的時候,也會看到同樣的事情。在1727年,摩拉維亞教徒團體發起的一個全天侯的“禱告守望”,不停地持續了一百多年。在1727年初,這300多人的團體因意見不合和爭論所破壞。5個月以後,在5月12日,神的靈降在他們中間。基督徒因新生命和能力而奮興,意見不合消失了,不信的人悔改信主。但是,一百多年以後這個運動觸動了像約翰·衛斯理的人的生命,並帶領了巨大的復興,稱為“大覺醒”。同樣的,可以說每一次神的復興遍及世界。我所提到的第1點,讓位於給神的子民週期性的留出時間來一起尋求神。 我相信,如果我們真正的在經歷渴慕神在我們中間,就是在LAC,以一種新的方式來做工,我們必須預留時間一起來尋求祂。那就是我們為什麼在禮拜天的晚上留出時間一起禱告敬拜神。但是,當神有帶領,我鼓勵你在你所參加的班上和小組裡,花更多的時間去禱告。更多的個人的禱告。不要沒有耐心。在美國,我們喜歡立竿見影。神是信實的。讓我們一起因信來尋求祂的面。 3. 神來訪的時刻-神顯明祂的同在 我們念到使徒行傳2章,聖靈如同大風吹進,大火降臨到他們的房間。使徒行傳4章,信徒在的整座樓開始搖動。創世紀21 章中神的天使來到亞伯拉罕的家,使得年老的撒拉懷了身孕。我想說的是神來的時候,祂自己用各種不同的方法向我們顯現。在整個人類歷史的進程中,在復興的時候神仍然向人顯現。 對那些尋求祂的人,神無誤地用各種方法顯明給他們。許多基督徒用神來到我們生命中來形容神的來訪。 在我自己的生命中有幾次這樣的經歷。有一次沒有使徒行傳2章和4章這樣的誇張。但是幾年前,神在三一國際學院帶給我們一次復興。學院當時的運動專業很糟糕。一個週末,我不得不給18個學生下了退學令,因為他們造成的破壞性不亞於一般的世俗學校。大家感到我們在這個危機中應當來尋求神。一群神學院的學生開始輔導我們中間的橄欖球球員,並決定帶他們到一個靈性復興的退休會。就在那,神來到他們中間。結果是球員開始謙卑,在神面前認自己的罪,從罪中悔改轉向神。這些球員回到校園,心中帶著神聖靈的火,他們決定邀請學生們來加入一同尋求神。他們開始了一場叫做 FAT的運動,學生們委身在F ( 信心)A ( 愿意奉献时间) 和 T ( 受教的心)上。 学生们每个星期四的傍晚聚集,就只是敬拜和祷告。结果越来越多的人加入进来,敞开诚实的心面对罪并转向神。神来到我们的校园。我们也确信神在我们中间,这些学生公开向人传讲他们新的生命,将整个校园给翻了个身。神这次的到来,使得橄榄球的球员们前一天因破坏还受到纪律处分,后一天认罪,赞美神的恩典。他们走出去见证神在我们中间的真实,结果是更多的公立学校的中学生们也在信心中接受神,参加在复兴的运动中。然后,我们都周边的世俗学校中,亲眼目睹许多人来接受耶稣和这场复兴。接著我講最後一點。 4. 改變的生命-見證和服事 歷史中發生的每一次的復興所帶來的結果都是,人開始走出去,到世界各地去見證耶穌,向那些遇見的人分享基督的愛。英國的復興使人開始為那些從來沒機會上學的孩子們創辦學校。在我們國家最偉大的復興帶來整個東南部孤兒院的建立。我們真正遇見神的時候,不是一個私人性的事件。我們會於人分享信心,我們關心周圍的人。社會改變就開始發生。被視為外圍的人也受歡迎加入教會,被稱為兄弟姊妹。(下個星期我會講幾句這句話的意思)貧窮的人來到教會找到一個家。醫院也是始於復興。反對奴隸制也是出於復興。 所發生的事就只是因為我們知道這是一個基督徒應該做的事-比如見證神和愛- 但是我們帶著自己不可想像的火熱和無畏懼的心。當我們遇見神,唯一知道的是從前覺得不可能的事成為可能。不可逾越的障礙成為不是不可逾越的事。永恆的事物開始成在生命中佔據重要的地位,短暫的事物看起來也就短暫了。
Tim Keller 這樣說:"復興是神的工作,在復興中,教會在聖靈的正常運作中顯得美麗充滿能力-对罪的敏感和认识,对恩典的喜乐和享受,可以自由来到神的面前 ( Waybright 加一句話:見證的能力,對公義更深的渴望,對人更深的愛)都日益加增。" 我把要點給濃縮一下: 我們渴望神,以至耐心的等候神,和神的到來的時候,會發生什麼? 1. 神比任何時候都更加真實。 2. 在世上其他人會看見我們生活不一樣。 3. 通過我們的見證,人來到耶穌的信心中。 4. 基督徒對鄰舍和世界產生可見的影響力。 你不渴望這樣的事發生嗎?如果你想,我可以用最後一點時間來談使徒行傳2章說的,你如何個人於神相遇。
在使徒行傳2章1-13中,這場神的運動,成就了第一個基督徒的講道,一個名叫彼得的漁夫傳講的一個偉大的道。在最後,這名剛剛被復興感動的人呼求人們來遇見神 - 三千人受到呼召!他說了什麼? 要點1:神如今還在這個世界上工作-祂預備好來迎接你(2:16-21) 聽了彼得講道的人相信神,但他們並沒有個人性的認識耶穌本人。 (你是不是也是這樣?)看到人被神的聖靈充滿,每個人都問的是:“這到底是怎麼回事?”對於這個問題,彼得給他們指出聖經舊約的先知預言,特別是約珥書二章。讀16-21節看到,他宣稱神在這個世界的存在,以及神在這個世界正在進行的一個美好的計劃,儘管這個世界滿了各樣的不義和罪惡。在神的計劃中,罪惡絕對受到制約,逃不出神的審判。神掌管,祂正在進行的一個計劃是最終將萬物都更新。 神應許(21節)到那時候,凡求告主名的人,都要得救。這些經歷神的"兒女們,老的,少的。。。"彼得說,"聖靈將要澆灌凡有血氣的" 神是存在的! 神參與在這個世界中。神在這個世界的計劃於先知預言的一致。祂也預備好將祂的靈賜給你! 這就是彼得說的。你相信嗎?希伯來書11章6節這麼說:" 到神面前來的人必須信有神,且信祂賞賜那尋求祂的人。" 你相信嗎? 要點2:唯有通過在耶穌裡的信心,你才可以親自遇見上帝(2:22-36) 我相信我們可以自己感覺到神的存在。我們甚至自己會經歷一些神在我們身上發生的事。你是不是有這樣的經歷?但是,彼得堅持說( 我也是同樣堅持),若不是通過耶穌基督,你不能和神建立個人的關係。在他的講道中,彼得一遍又一遍地強調:"神藉著拿撒勒人耶穌.....(2;22) 彼得接著說:"這個耶穌"( 反覆多次用的短語)-"這個耶穌"在你們中間行唯有神能行的神蹟。唯有祂活出一個人本來要活的樣子,但我們沒有一個人可以像祂那樣活。唯有祂能夠,並且願意為我們而死。耶穌行了-祂為我們死在十字架上。但是墳墓也不能綑住祂。這就是彼得傳講的道。耶穌是誰,這一真理被顯明出來,因為耶穌從墳墓中復活。彼得告訴他們--" 你們知道這些事,我們也都為此做見證。" ( 看32節) 要點是:開始和神建立個人的關係,你必須在信心中轉向耶穌。這事起始點。 要點3:你需要承認自己的罪並悔改 在第23節,彼得講道," 無法之人的手將祂釘在十字架上,殺了。"你可能想,"哇,那不是我!" 但是你再看。第36節," 你們釘在十字架上的這位耶穌,神已經立他為主,為基督了。" 他告訴那天圍著的人們說," 你們殺了他!" 但是實際上,耶穌被捕,被定罪,釘在十字架上的時候,他們當中的大部分人都不在場。大部分的人長途遠行來過節。彼得這句話到底是什麼意思?那些聚集的人也都接受這一審判! 第37節,他們覺得扎心,就對彼得和其餘的門徒說"弟兄們,我們當如何行?" 另一面,我想他們對某些事的理解比我們當中的大部分人都更清楚。他們知道自己是這個世界和社會的一部分,他們也一樣接受其中的罪惡和自私的行為,導致耶穌被釘死。我們生活在非常自我的年代,大部分人始終都認為," 我沒有這麼行,我沒問題。" 但是他們知道這些呼喊"釘死他,釘死耶穌!"的聲音也在他們的心中。他們接受了。現在,你可能不能接受,可能看見自己在思想,態度和行為上也是有罪遠離了神,也是一個罪人,也需要神的赦免。 唯一可以和神和好的路就是有人替換你的位置,為你而死,勝過罪和死亡,就是耶穌為你所付出的犧牲。如同彼得在40節中宣稱的,救自己脫離這彎曲的世代。 遇見神,這就是你要做的:從罪中悔改。告訴神你需要和神和好的關係。 將你的信心建立在耶穌上。叫耶穌進到你的裡面,代替你的生命。 (這也是我們受洗的時候宣稱的)你也會被聖靈充滿。 彼得講道後在三千人身上發生的事也會發生在你的身上。你的過去都被洗淨,你今天就可以遇見神。 除他以外(除耶穌以外),別無拯救;因為在天上人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救.....(使徒行傳4:12) 當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。 ( 使徒行傳16:31)
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2012, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
A Visitation from God - Week 4 - Study Guide
A Visitation from God
Acts 2:5-41
Today, we read the first Christian sermon. Its impact is that, at the end, 3,000 people were baptized and added to the church (2:41). It must have been an anointed sermon!
- As he began his sermon, Peter said that what happened in 2:1–4 was a part of God’s eternal plan as prophesied in Scripture. Read the prophecy in Joel 2:28–32 followed by Peter’s application of it in 2:16–21. What did Peter say? What do you think this means to us today?
- In vv. 17–36, Peter proclaimed powerfully that Jesus is the one who fulfills the prophecies. What are his main points? How would that have connected with the Jewish audience Peter was addressing? What does it say to you?
- The first response to the sermon is recorded in v. 37. Has a sermon ever hit you that way? Describe that happening.
- Peter’s call to decision is recorded in vv. 38–40. What does he call the people to do? What would be an appropriate response to his call today?
- Having read the sermon, why do you think the result of it was what we read about in v. 41?
- What lesson do you hope to apply to your life from this passage?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church