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When Times Get Touch Sermon Series

It was the trip of a life time. Last summer my son, Hunter, and I joined 10 other friends from Tennessee on an 82 mile, 12 day backpacking trip in the mountains of New Mexico. We were all Boy Scouts, so we were supposed to be prepared! But on day 7 everything was put to the test. As we climbed an 11,000 foot peak with 50 pound packs on our backs we got stuck in a storm. With nowhere to go we stopped on the steep trail and waited for the storm to pass. The temperature dropped, the rain soaked us, and then came the hail, enough to cover the trail in ice! With lightning all around us, we weren't sure if we could make it to the campsite on the other side of the peak.

Sometimes life feels this way! One minute it is sunny and smooth sailing, then "Bam" we get slammed by a storm with no where to go! Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 1:6-7 that there are times when we will experience all kinds of trials (storms), and that these have come so that our faith may be proved genuine. Usually this kind of insight comes with hindsight after time has helped to diminish the pain of a trial. But fixing our eyes on the "living hope" (1 Peter 1:3) that we have in Jesus can give us strength and even joy in the midst of these storms.

Series Introduction Week 5 Introduction

By the time Peter wrote this letter, he could look back with hindsight and recall God's faithfulness through many trials. Today we will reflect on one of these experiences in Matthew 14 when Jesus came walking on the water to his disciples during a storm (trial). The storms of life will come, but when they come we can find rest, strength and courage in our living hope, Jesus Christ.

Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled, set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13


To His Glory,


John Secrest
Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries and Pastor of Young Adult Ministries