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When Times Get Touch Sermon Series


Dear Lake Avenue Church Family and Friends,

As another church budget year comes to a close, we want to report to you the status of our General Fund Budget. On a projection of $8.1 million in offerings, we received approximately $7,567,000, which is $533,000 below our goal. However, we do have some good news on expenses – we spent $250,000 less than projected. This leaves us with a shortfall of $283,000. Given the current financial situation locally and around the world, this result is, in many ways, very encouraging. The faithfulness of the Lake Avenue Church congregation over these many decades continues to be truly remarkable.

Over the next several weeks the staff, the Administration & Finance Division, along with the Ministry Council, will look at this situation and determine if further steps should be taken regarding the FY10/11 General Fund Budget. We will keep you informed.

As you consider the many significant ministry opportunities that take place under the banner of “Lake Avenue Church”, these ministries are funded, in almost every case, entirely by the General Fund Budget. We will do everything possible to make sure these ministries continue to be funded and that we are spending the funds wisely and in accordance with the budget the congregation approved this past June.

Each weekend our worship services and Sunday school classes minister to over 4000 people who call “Lake” their church home. During the work week hundreds of events take place on and off our campus; including discipleship classes, small group meetings, prayer meetings, mission conferences, MOPS classes and many, many other opportunities. Around the world, missionaries who also call LAC their home church, work tirelessly to proclaim the Gospel in a vast array of cultures and lands. Thank you again for your commitment and passion for the Gospel of Christ to be proclaimed tirelessly from the corner of Lake and Maple streets in Pasadena to peoples who live around that corner and around the world.

For His Sake,


Jeff Jones
Business Administrator