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When Times Get Tough Study Guide - Week 6

Category: When Times Get Tough
  1. Read Matthew 4:18-20 and make a list of fishermen attributes. What are some common personality traits of professional fishermen?
  2. Why would God call two fishermen to be fishers of men? Discuss Peter and Andrew's response to this call?
  3. What are some things in our lives that disqualify us from being used by God? Make a list of general reasons why we are unqualified.?
  4. Knowing that, just like Peter and Andrew, Jesus has called us to be used by him as well, how then should we respond?
  5. I love the quote “God doesn’t call the qualified He qualifies the called” tell how this quote has become real in your life. Share how God has used you in spite of your lack of qualifications.
  6. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God for using unlikely people like us to do His kingdom work.


When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church