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  1. Read 1 Peter 1:13. How do you think this can be reconciled with Ephesians 2:8–9? How might Ephesians 2:10 help clarify your answer?
  2. What would a "hope” or an "attitude” that is set "fully on the grace to be given” look like? (1 Peter 1:13)
  3. How does this differ from an attitude that hopes good works will lead to salvation?
  4. 1 Peter 1:15–16 ends with "'Be holy, because I am holy.’” In what ways does the holy character of God as revealed in the life of Jesus become a basis for how we live our daily lives?
    *In what ways can your life be a response to Jesus’ own life and grace during tough times?
  5. How does this passage change our perspective when going through tough times?


When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church