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When Times Get Tough Study Guide - Week 3

  1. Read 1 Peter 1:8. Does this express your own relationship with Jesus? Why do you say this?
  2. In 1 Peter 1:9, “salvation” is referred to as something that will be competed in the future (see also 1 Peter 1:5). Many churchgoers refer to salvation as something that happened in the past. What is the Bible talking about here? In what way is salvation “the goal of your faith”?
  3. In 1 Peter 1:10–12, Peter says that, in spite of Christians’ experiencing tough times now, we are also experiencing the very thing the prophets foretold and the angels long to comprehend.
    *What is he referring to?
  4. *How would this encourage people in tough times?
  5. In 1 Peter 1:10, Peter summarizes the entire prophetic message about salvation with the phrase “grace that was to come to you.” What does this mean?
  6. Compare 1 Peter 1:8 with 1 Peter 1:11. Does this enable you to love and trust Jesus more—even in tough times?


When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church