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  1. The phrase “painful trial” in 1 Peter 4:12 is literally “fiery trial” or “purifying trial.” Compare this to Peter’s teaching in 1 Peter 1:7. Why should Jesus-followers “not be surprised” by trials?
  2. In 1 Peter 4:13–14, Peter speaks of rejoicing in the opportunity to participate in the sufferings of Christ. Compare this with Paul’s testimony in Philippians 1 Peter 4:10–12. Why did early believers long to share in Christ’s sufferings? Should we still long for that?
  3. Look at the specific things that should not lead to suffering in 1 Peter 4:15 (“meddler” means being a busybody). What is Peter teaching us?
  4. What is the Bible teaching about judgment in 1 Peter 4:17–18?
  5. Peter gives two clear instructions about how to live in tough times in 1 Peter 4:19. What are they? How will you seek to obey his words in this coming week?

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    When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church