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  1. Verse 1 begins with “therefore.” What is it “there for”? What does he say happened that should change our lives?
  2. If we have the “same attitude” or “mind” of Christ, how should we live? (See, especially, vv. 1b–2.)
  3. Verse 3 is a description of the normal way of life of those living in the areas of Peter’s first readers. Do you see any parallels to commonly accepted ways of life in 21st-century CA? Does refraining from living that way still bring the kind of abuse Peter refers to in verse 4?
  4. In vv. 5–6, Peter declares that all will have to give account of their lives to God someday. Is this a life-shaping doctrine? Why or why not?
  5. Verses 7–11 are based on another “therefore.” What teaching does Peter say is life-changing in v. 7? Do you think that we emphasize this doctrine enough in the contemporary church?
  6. From verses 7–1, make a list of the ways our lives should change when we believe that the end of all things is near. How would a commitment to that list change your life?
  7. What do you hope to change this week in the light of what you believe about Jesus?


    When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church