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  1. Living Godly lives in a pagan society is the theme of the section of our text this week. What roll should the church play in helping Christians live Godly lives in a Pagan society?
  2. Give some examples of when you have seen both success and failure in the churches attempt to in helping Christians live Godly lives in a pagan society.
  3. How is Peter trying to help Wives in verses 1,2? Are there situations where this advice is relevant for wives today? Explain?
  4. In verses 3,4 is Peter suggesting that women should not wear nice things and invest in getting their hair done? What is his point?
  5. What is Peter’s charge to the men in verse 7? Is this charge relevant today? How?
  6. What was the status of women in Peter’s culture? Why are women referred to as the weaker vessel?
  7. In verse 7b what was the penalty for mans disrespect toward women? What does this say about God’s love and desire for his daughters to be respected?
  8. Read verse 8 together? Conclude by praying for the attributes that are found within that verse.


    When Times Get Tough, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church