People care for people
Luke 10:25-37
- Read through the entire passage. "Eternallife" (v.25) in this context is life as the eternal
God means for it to be lived. How does 10:27 summarize that kind of life? What do you think a life that lives out these two loves would look like on a day-to-day basis? - Why do you think the lawyer felt he had to justify himself in v. 29a? Do you think he was living the life called for in v 27 perfectly? Are you? In what ways do you empathize with the lawyer?
- The lawyer’s question in v.29b seems to be saying, “We cannot love everyone! What does God really require of us?” Can you imagine anyone in church asking a question like that? Explain.
- Jesus' story in vv. 30-35 is his best-known story. As you read the story:
• To whom do we not need to show love?
• When should we show love to people and when
should we not?
• To what extent should we show practical love to
people in need?
• What did the priest and the Levite do wrong?
• What was Jesus' point in making the Samaritan
the good guy? - How do you answer Jesus' question in v.36? Why?
- How do you plan to respond personally to Jesus' directive in v.37b? How important is it for you to obey what Jesus is saying in the light of vv.27-28? Do you think people live as God made us to live when we obey?