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Study Questions
Ecclesiastes 1:12-18; 2:12-16
In these verses, Solomon evaluates the role of human wisdom without reference to God.  This includes the attempt both to discover how to live wisely as well as to find meaning through acquiring knowledge “under the sun” or “under the heavens, i.e., with no faith in God.  Read through the study texts.
  1. Read 1 Kings 4:29-34 describing the wisdom of Solomon.  Still, read Eccl. 2:12-16 and see that Solomon confesses that, as valuable as such wisdom “under the heaven” (1:13) is, it nonetheless will ultimately prove to be meaningless. 
    • In what ways is human wisdom better than folly? 
    • Where do people today seek to discover how to live wisely without any reference to God?
  2. 1:13-15 takes us back to Genesis 3:12-19 when sin entered the world and negatively affected everything. 
    • In what ways does life in our imperfect world feel like a “heavy burden”?
    • V.15 gives us a Hebrew maxim stating that the twisted nature of our world cannot be straightened out fully through human wisdom and strategizing and that, often, things in this world will not add up.  Have you found that to be true?  What examples come to mind?
  3. 1:16-18 speaks of the pursuit of meaning in life through gaining more and more knowledge.  He compares the life of learning with the life of simply living ignorantly and foolishly.
    • Why do you think he says that both pursuits are like “chasing the wind” in v. 17?
    • Put the maxim in v.18 into your own words.
  4. Do you think people still seek to discover meaning in life through “wisdom under the heavens”, i.e., through counseling, self-help techniques, or the intellectual life without any relationship to God?  In light of this passage, what would you say to them?  How does this study apply to your life?