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What Child is This - Week 2 - Study Questions


  1. Col. 1:9–14 is one long sentence in the original language and is the Apostle Paul's prayer for the church. Read it through without break. Do we usually pray like that? Should we?
  2. The general point of the prayer has to do with knowing something and is found in v. 9. Specifically, what does Paul pray for? Why is this important?
  3. Simply knowing something (v. 9) is not sufficient. What must our knowledge flow into, according to v. 10?
  4. According to vv. 11–12, what is needed if we will "live a life worthy of the Lord"?
  5. Vv. 13–14 is a call to remember what God has done. How will the called-for remembrance motivate us to "please Jesus in every way" (v. 10)?
  6. A key to this new life is surrendering our self-rule to the kingdom of God (vv. 13–4, 17). Talk about a life walked in light rather than in darkness and that is "held together" by Jesus.
  7. What do you hope to apply to your life from this passage?


According to Jesus, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church