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  1. Read 1:23–29 and see how the angel's messages brought joy and fulfillment to Elizabeth (v. 25) and a troubled spirit to Mary (v. 29). Why do you think this happened?
  2. *Have you had times in your life when God's ways and words brought you great satisfaction? Times of confusion?

  3. Read through 1:26–45 and make a list of all the startling events that occur and statements that are made.
  4. *What do we learn about Jesus from these extraordinary events and claims?

  5. Look at the progression in Mary's acceptance of God's message and her response to it. Make note of what happens at each phase:
  6. *Luke 1:29


    *Luke 1:34


    *Luke 1:38


    *Luke 1:46-49

  7. What lessons do you hope to apply to your life personally from seeing how God spoke to Mary and how she responded?


Unwrapping the True Story of Christmas, 2010 Study Series • Copyright © 2010, Lake Avenue Church