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Resurrection Faith

John 20


  1. On many occasions, Jesus told his followers clearly that he would be handed over to the authorities, condemned to death, mocked publicly, and killed, but on the third day he would rise from the dead (Mark 8:31–32; 9:31–32; 10:32–35). In light of this, do you find Mary's response surprising in John 20:1–2? Why or why not? How do you think you would have responded?
  2. Thomas also had seen Jesus' miracles and heard him say clearly that he would rise from the dead. Try to explain his statements in 20:24–25.
  3. What was Mary's turning point in 20:11–18?
  4. What changed Thomas in 20:26–29? What relevance do these stories offer to you personally?
  5. Read the story of the two disciples in 20:3–10. Notice that three different words for "seeing" (in their language) are used in vv. 5–8: 1) John "saw" the situation in v. 5; 2) John "saw and reflected on the meaning" of what he saw in v. 6; 3); and John "saw in a way that he knew/understood" in v. 8. Many people believe the facts about Jesus but don't really know God (see v. 9). What do you learn about seeing and believing from this passage?
  6. The reason why these stories are in the Bible is clearly stated in 20:31. Do you believe? Do you have life in his name? Tell about when you first believed.


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church