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Unexpected Greatness: The Story of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1


  1. What are we told about Jeremiah in 1:1–3? Do you think that anything about that is relevant to us now?
  2. We have been studying turning points in people's lives for many weeks now. According to 1:4–5, when was the direction of Jeremiah's life actually established? (See also Psalm 139:13–18.)
  3. In 1:6–10, what was Jeremiah's excuse and God's response? Have you ever made excuses like that?
  4. In 1:11–16, Jeremiah was told that his calling was to tell people that judgment was coming. Would you have been willing to go to his "church" and hear this message over and over for 40+ years? Has God ever called you to a difficult task?
  5. In 1:17–18, God encouraged and exhorted Jeremiah. What did he say? Would you be encouraged by God's promises?
  6. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life this week?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church