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Unexpected Greatness: The Story of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1

For weeks now, we’ve been seeing how God breaks into our lives and turns us around and sends us out to live for him. Today, I want us to focus on having the confidence and courage actually to do those hard things God calls us to do. One of the biggest misconceptions we have is that we sometimes think, “Oh, I have to become more perfect and then maybe God can use me.” It doesn’t work that way. I’ve enjoyed the recent ads recruiting foster parents that say, "You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. There are thousands of teens in foster care who'd love to put up with you."

This Bible’s message is that we’re not perfect – and we cannot make ourselves perfect. But, a big part of walking with God and of our own growing is faith is that we step out as we are in obedience to God and then see that he is there to use us in ways that go far beyond what we’ve ever imagined.

So, I ask you: Have you ever sensed God calling you to do a task for which you felt particularly unsuited? To be a mentor to kids in our community? To witness to your family? To give a speech about your faith in speech class? To break from an unhealthy relationship that you are in? You know God wants you to do it, but you feel inadequate. "Why me?" you ask.

Today, I want us to learn some lessons from a young man named Jeremiah. He wasn't born great. He was the son of a country preacher ‑‑ the Reverend Hilkiah of the remote parish of Anathoth. Nor was he naturally gifted with a dynamic charisma. He had, in fact, an introverted personality ‑‑ prone to depression.

But God had made Jeremiah for a reason. And, one day God came to him and told his so. Jeremiah was going to have to do something very challenging – just as you and I are often called to do. We’ll see it was not easy for young Jeremiah to obey God and to have any confidence that he could carry out God’s very difficult calling. It all began one day in the year 627 BC, the 13th year of the reign of good King Josiah in Judah. You might want to write today’s date down too. Perhaps God will speak to you.

So, let’s look at Jeremiah’s call, his response, and God’s response to Jeremiah’s response. And then, we will see if this has something to say to us. I pray that you will be ready to respond to God too.

Jeremiah’s Turning Point

Issue #1: The TimingGod calls people to serve at crucial times and in crucial places.

Vv. 2‑3. That information is given to us for a reason. From it we know that Jeremiah was carried into prominence largely by the flood of events that deluged Judah at the end of the 7th C. BC. I don't think we can appreciate Jeremiah's life without some understanding of the historic crisis he had to deal with. What was the situation? To put it bluntly, it was a mess.


A. Day of political uncertainty

The great powers of Assyria, Egypt and Babylon were wrestling for control of the Middle East. Jeremiah watched as Judah's kings guessed who would be the eventual victor and tried to set up power alliances as insurance. He watched too, as these royal guesses went wrong again and again. It all would end with Jeremiah’s people being exiled to a foreign land and with their beautiful capitol city totally destroyed.

It's not hard to imagine how shattering it was for Judah to be overtaken by a foreign nation and how panic‑stricken everyone was in the political uncertainty. Four kings were mentioned in vv. 2-3 and all died tragic deaths. Two others aren't even mentioned because one resigned in only 3 months and the other in 2.

There were 6 kings in those years encompassed by this book and none of them died in his bed. I tell you, those were uncertain days in which Jeremiah lived.

B. Day of economic collapse

As the government became less stable and war escalated, the economic pressures increased. Famine abounded and with it, crime and violence. The culmination was the siege by Babylon. Two years, long years, of Judah being attacked, brutalized, and isolated had left the people with nothing – no food, no housing, no employment, and no apparent hope for change.

C. Day of religious confusion

Jeremiah had been born in the last days of King Manasseh, the worst idolater of all the kings. Manasseh allowed pagan gods to be worshiped right in the temple precincts. Outside Jerusalem, Manasseh allowed the worship of Molech, that included child sacrifice.

But then a few years later we have good King Josiah who tried to change things. Josiah did all that legislation could do to draw Judah back to Jehovah. But he was too late ‑‑ far too late. The priests weren't even committed to Jehovah. So the people were confused. Should they follow Jehovah or pagan gods? Many people tried to do both ‑‑ "As many as are your cities are your gods," complained Jeremiah.

And the result was to be expected. When war and famine hit, no one had a foundation. No one could make sense of the world. There were no moral convictions. Decisions were made by what seemed expedient ‑‑ weaving this way and that in a frantic attempt to survive.

These opening verses of Jeremiah’s prophecy describe how tough this time was. It was into this mess that Jeremiah was born. He didn't emerge as a national savior. Some, like Lincoln and Churchill, have risen to greatness to save a nation on the brink of disaster. But Jeremiah didn't save the nation at all. His calling consisted in that he alone -- among all the kings and generals and priests -- he alone told the people the truth.

Issue #2: The Task – the unpopular job that is sometimes a part of God’s call.

Vv. 13‑14. Just suppose that you knew, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that within a few years a nuclear bomb would devastate the whole of Pasadena. How would you feel?

As you drive east on the 210 and see houses so foolishly being built to the east of us, as you look at students at Cal Tech or Fuller studying hard for no future, as you watch a mother nursing her child ‑‑ how would it make you feel to know that all this would soon be incinerated into a charred dust and death? If you can imagine that, then you'll begin to know what this summons meant for Jeremiah. He loved his people and his land. He's called the weeping prophet. Do you blame him?

In vv. 13-16,Jeremiah saw with his prophetic eyes a boiling pot as it was tilted over and scalding liquid hovered on its lip ready to destroy everything. Jeremiah was seeing the tragedy that would destroy Judah. Pagan armies would soon pour in from the North, engulfing Judah and leaving it barren.

And why? Why would Jerusalem be besieged? Because the politicians weren't smart enough? Because the army wasn't strong enough? No, because the people rejected God and lived for themselves. V. 16a. God had called them again and again – but there had been generations of people hearing and rejecting God’s ways. By the time Jeremiah was born, the Israelites were so hard-hearted that there was nothing left for God to do but judge them. That was the message Jeremiah had to proclaim.

Many people in our day hate messages about judgment against evil. We say judgment is old‑fashioned. People mock it. "Fundies! Fire and brimstone preachers!" ‑‑ you're called in our day if you talk about God's judgment. It was no different in Jeremiah’s day.

Jeremiah faced what anyone faced who proclaims this message. The priests and scholars of his day mocked his message of sin and God's wrath. “It's fundamentalist nonsense. God is too big to care about individual sins. God loves. He wouldn't judge us!" So they said. But He did.

With the benefit of hindsight, we know Jeremiah’s message was right. Would you have wanted his job? Would you have gone to his sermons? But Jeremiah was willing to proclaim the truth. And it was hard! The government censored his sermons and imprisoned him. The religious leaders cursed and harassed him. The general public cut him off and isolated him. His own relatives even plotted to murder him! But Jeremiah, this introverted man, stuck it out. Not for 1 year, nor 2 years, but for 40 years.

Jeremiah fulfilled an important but unpopular task at a crucial moment in history. His greatness was the greatness of faithful obedience to God whatever the cost.

Issue #3: The Back and Forth ResponseGod calls, we respond and God has the final word.

Jeremiah’s Concern: “I can’t do it!”

The Lethal “Can’t Do” Spirit is seen in Vv. 4‑6. Someone has said that within the heart of every great person there is a frightened little child who wants to run away. And that's certainly true of Jeremiah. "I'm only a child!" he said. "I can't be God's spokesman. Others are more talented, others know more ..."

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought about the harsh realities you would have to face that day? You don't want to live that day. You just crumple up inside at the thought of it all. "I can't handle it!" you say to yourself. You put your head back under the blanket, you curl up into a nice fetal position, and you hope it's night again so you can sleep some more. Have you ever done that? Come on ‑‑ admit it!

Jeremiah knew what it meant to feel like that. He wanted to get away from this awesome responsibility. Whatever could God be thinking of? ‑‑ to appoint him to a job like this?!

Now, if he had been allowed to dwell on these negative feelings, if God had let him run away from the job, then his life would have been wasted. Jeremiah had to step out and begin the task. And the question most would like to ask is, "'How? How do I find the confidence to begin?"

The Equally Lethal “Can Do” Spirit is the Positive Thinkers' Therapy so prevalent today. In one book I read, we’re told to stand in front of a mirror and say, "I'm great! I believe in myself. I can do anything!" “Purge the negativism out of your subconsciousness with positive thinking.” The trouble is, of course, that no spiritual person can ever tell himself such lies. We know ourselves – our sins and our weaknesses. Self‑hypnosis like that is no lasting answer.

No, if you and I will handle the responsibility of life as God leads us and fulfill God’s calling, then it will have to be with an honest appraisal of our weaknesses. Tin other words, there is a necessary balance. Children of God must get rid of our fear, but at the same time we can't give up our personal integrity or humility. But how? How can I be so aware of my weaknesses and still step forward in strength?


God’s Answer: “I can do it – through you.”

The solution for Jeremiah was that God had made him for this task – so the task will be accomplished.

Do you see how carefully God surrounds the weak inadequate ego of Jeremiah with the fact of His own majestic strength? Three phrases are in the past tense in vv. 5-6: 1) I formed you, 2) I knew you, 3) I appointed you. Thre phrases are in the present tense in vv. 7-8: 1) I send you, 2) I command you, 3) I am with you. One phrase is in the future tense in v. 8: “I will rescue you.”

Again and again throughout the entire chapter, God repeats the first person pronoun, i.e., I am! It's in the light of this promise ‑‑ I am ‑‑ that God counsels poor little Jeremiah. "Now," God says, "you are not to say, 'I am ‑‑ only a child' for I am with you."

That's how God always deals with us when He calls us. He answers our inadequacy with the assurance of His divine competence. God doesn't tell us to pretend we are what we aren't. He takes what we are and gives himself to us. He says, "My forgiveness, my grace and my power are sufficient for you." Look how clear God’s assurances are:

God’s Assurances

#1: God is our Maker and he knows for what he made us. V. 5.

God planned Jeremiah before Hilkiah and his wife even thought about it. In the womb, this developing child would be God’s appointed man for this hour of crisis. God had a plan for Jeremiah's life before Jeremiah had a life to plan. "How can you say, Jeremiah, that you're not the right man for the job? I've been planning you for it since before you were in your mother's womb!"


#2: God promises to be present as we obey him.

Look at vv. 11‑12. God gives Jeremiah something very visual so that he will always know that he is not alone in his calling. The words "almond tree" and "watching" sound alike in Hebrew. I sometimes think about this when I have a tough sermon to preach. “Greg, (I hear God saying) it’s my Word you’re proclaiming and if you deliver it faithfully, I will empower it. In fact, as you’re preaching, look on your wrist. Do you see that watch? Well, every time you look at that watch, know that I'm watching you. I am with you." He will assure you in similar ways when you follow him.

#3. God goes ahead of us to assure us of the completion of his task. Vv. 18‑19. God doesn't minimize the burden He is giving Jeremiah. Jeremiah would be one man against a nation. It looks like bad odds. But God calls Jeremiah "an iron pillar, a bronze wall." This is Jeremiah? Yes, it is Jeremiah with God.

Some Final Words

#1: To those unsure about how to hear God’s call -- We’ve noticed all through this series that God speaks to people in countless ways – through angelic visitors, through burning bushes, and even through preachers’ mantles. God can speak however he wants. After all, he is God. And, it’s interesting to me that the way most people speak about it, i.e., “I have a peace about it” is nowhere found in Scripture. I remember a woman in the first church I pastored who said to me, “Pastor Greg, I know God is leading me to leave my husband and marry this other man as soon as he is divorced. We both have a peace about it.” I told her, “Whatever that peace is, it’s not a peace from God. God will give you no peace about direct disobedience of his Word.” Hear me out: We experience a “peace that goes beyond understanding” when we are obeying God. When we are doing something that we know is in keeping with God’s Word, we find an inner sense of rightness free from guilt and shame. But, imperfect people sensing an inner peace is not a foolproof way of following God. So then, how do we usually discern God’s leading? Three of the main ways he speaks to us:

  • His Word – so develop a discipline of reading the Bible and of coming to hear it proclaimed. God makes his way known to us most often through His Word.
  • His Spirit in Prayer – Most of us need to break out patterns of busy-ness and take time to seek the Lord in prayer. Notice how often Jeremiah refers to the “Word of the Lord” coming to him. This is the language of prayer.
  • His community (often in our gatherings together or in our smaller groups) – God gives us to one another. We sense God’s call frequently through hearing the Word preached in the midst of his family – or in the counsel of our Christian friends and small groups.

# 2. To the few called to preach -- If Judah's people had voted on what they wanted at this crucial point, they probably would have said a great politician or general. But God said He had something better ‑‑ a preacher. Better? ‑‑ Yes, Judah needed a person with the Word of God on his lips who would bring truth, faith and integrity into the matters people were facing.

Don't you think that's what our nation needs today ‑‑ the church in America needs today? But maybe you think there seems to be so much more promise in fields like business, law, medicine, or engineering. God does send many of us into those fields. But there is a great opportunity God thrusts upon people when He puts the word of God in their hearts and burdens them to proclaim it. So there may be 1 or 2 or 3 here who, like Jeremiah, are hearing the call of God toward preaching in your lives. Don't stifle it. Our nation may not think it needs a message from God – even those who go to church (as ironic as that may seem). Judah didn't.

But there is true greatness in serving our generation with the Word of God. If God is calling you to such a task, don't be afraid of it. Step out in obedience and see what he will do.

#3: To those who don’t want to obey – You may know that God is calling you away from a pattern of life that doesn’t honor him – a relationship that is not in keeping with his ways – a sin that you know is wrong. But, you don’t want to give it up. Let me tell you: God is ready to show mercy, to forgive you, and to use you. But, he is holy. The judgment that Jeremiah was going to proclaim to Israel was the judgment of a holy God for sin that people would not turn away from. I tell you: Do not take v. 17 lightly: Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you. There is only one thing truly to fear in the world – and that is displeasing the Lord. When we fear him and seek to honor him, all other fears are taken away.

#4: To those who feel inadequate for a task before you. Perhaps you've been asked to serve somewhere in church; to speak up for Christ at work; perhaps God has burdened you for a major ministry task. Don’t say, “I’m not ready yet.” “I’m too young.” “I’m too shy.” “I’m too old.” “I’m not perfect enough yet.” Instead, be willing to step out into areas you've never been before. Hear the Lord say, “Do not be afraid. I have made you for this. I am sending you. I am with you.”

To His glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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當呼召似乎太難時 耶利米書1

現在幾個星期,我們已經看到 神 如何進入我們的生活使我們轉身並差遣我們來為 祂 而生活。今天,我想我們把重點放在有信心和勇氣,實在做那些 神 呼召我們做的困難的事情。我們有最大的誤解之一是,我們有時會想,“哦,我要變得更加完善,然後,上帝也許可以用我的。”這並不是這樣的。我很喜歡最近有一個招募養父母的廣告說,“你不須要是完美的,才能當一個完美的父母。有成千上萬寄養的青少年,很願意容忍你的。”
這聖經的消息是,我們並不完美 - 我們不能讓自己完美。但是,很大一部分與 神 同行並且在信仰中成長,是需要我們走出去,順服神,然後看到 祂 是遠遠超出我們想像的方式去使用我們。

所以,我問你:你有沒有感覺到上帝要求你做一個任務,讓你覺得特別不適應呢?在我們的社區當孩子們的良師益友呢?向你的家人做見證呢?在演講課時給一個關於你的信仰的演講嗎?打破你一個不健康的關係嗎?你知道 神 要你這樣做,但你覺得能力不足。 “為什麼是我?”你問。
但神造耶利米是有原因的。有一天神來,並告訴他這個訊息。耶利米必須做一件非常具有挑戰性的事情 –就像你和我一樣經常被呼召來做。我們會看到對年輕的耶利米來說,服從上帝,並有信心可以做好神給他這個非常困難的任務是很不容易的。這一切都始於在公元前627年的有一天,在猶大王約西亞這個好王在位第13年。你可能也想寫下今天的日期。也許上帝會跟你說話。

所以,讓我們看看耶利米的呼召,他的反應,和上帝對耶利米的回應的回應。然後,我們再看看,是否對我們也有訊息要說。我祈禱,你也會願意回應 神 。

第一點:時機 - 神在關鍵時刻和關鍵的地方來呼召人們。
第 2-3節。這些資訊給我們是有原因的。從我們知道,猶大在公元前第七世紀.結束前的時候歷經了一連串動盪不安的歷史事件,耶利米是在這個動盪不安的世代下成長的。理解這些歷史性的危機讓我們更能感謝耶利米的生活時代背景。這是一個什麼情況?說穿了,這是一個爛攤子。



由於政府變得更不穩定和戰爭升級,經濟壓力相對備增。飢荒連遍,帶來犯罪和暴力。當巴比倫被圍困是歷史的高潮。兩年來,漫長的歲月裡,猶大被攻擊摧殘,與外界隔絕。人們物資嚴重缺乏 - 沒有食物,沒有房屋,沒有就業機會,沒有改變的希望。

在瑪拿西王的最後日子裡 ,耶利米已出生。瑪拿西是所有的國王中最嚴重的崇拜者。他允許異教的神被供奉在寺院境內。瑪拿西在耶路撒冷城外,允許摩洛克--包括犧牲兒童的崇拜。

但幾年以後,有一位好的約西亞王試圖改變事情。約西亞試著立法改變一切使猶大國能再次回到 耶和華。但他卻為時已晚,為時已晚。甚至連祭司都不堅定於 耶和華 。所以人們感到困惑。他們應該效法耶和華或異教的神嗎?許多人兩者都跪拜。耶利米難過地說著:“你的神多到和你的城市數目一樣多”。


這些 耶利米的預言開始的詩句中,形容這個時候是多麼艱難。這是耶利米出生的時候。他並沒有成為一個國家的救星。有些像林肯,或是丘吉爾,在災難的中偉大地保存一個民族。但是耶利米並沒有保存國家。他的呼召包括他獨自一人──在所有的國王和將領和祭司之間 ── 他獨自告訴人們真相。

第二點:任務 - 不受歡迎的工作,有時是神的呼召的一部分。
第 13-14節。如果你知道,毫無疑問地,在幾年之內,一枚核彈將會摧毀整個帕薩迪納。你感覺如何? 你在210高速公路上往東開著,看到東部正在傻傻地興建的房子,你看到在加州理工學院或富勒學生用功地唸書但是沒有前途了,看到在哺乳孩子母親 -- 知道這一切很快地都將會被焚燒一遍變成燒焦的塵埃和死亡-- 你感覺如何?

為什麼?為什麼耶路撒冷會被圍攻?是因為政治家不夠聰明嗎?是因為軍隊是不夠堅強嗎?不是的,是因為人們拒絕上帝而以自己的方式生活著。在第16節裡,神已經叫了一遍又一遍 - 但好幾代的人民聽見了也拒絕 神 的方式。耶利米出生時,以色列人的心已經硬了,上帝 不得不發出判語 , 攻擊他們 。這是耶利米所要宣布的消息。
在我們的現代生活中許多人討厭有關 神 的審判反對邪惡的訊息。我們說判決是老式的。人們嘲笑它。這和在耶利米的時代裡沒有什麼不同。

耶利米履行了一個在歷史中關鍵的時刻, 重要的,但不受歡迎的任務。他的偉大之處在於不惜一切代價忠實服從上帝。

第三點:響應 - 神呼召,我們響應。神 有最後決定權。

在第4-6節中致命的“做不到”的態度。有人說,每一個偉大的人的內心都有一個受驚的孩子,想逃跑。這對耶利米來說也是真的。 “我只是個孩子!”他說。 “我不能是上帝的發言人。其他更多有才華的,別人知道更多...”

你有沒有在早上醒來,思想那天須要面對的嚴酷現實,你很不想面對這一天嗎? “我不能處理吧!”你對自己說。你把毯子蓋過頭,你捲曲成一團,你盼望現在還是晚上,這樣你就可以多睡一些。你有沒有這麼做過?來吧,承認吧!

耶利米知道這意味著什麼感覺。他想逃開這個可怕的責任。 神 在想什麼?任命他做這樣的工作?!
同樣致命的“可以做”的態度是在今天積極思想家治療中非常盛行的。在我讀的一本書中,告訴我們要站在鏡子前面,並說,“我很好!我相信我自己。我可以做任何事情! “用積極思維清除取代你潛意識中的消極思維。”當然,麻煩的是,沒有屬靈的人能告訴自己這樣的謊言。我們知道自己 - 我們的罪和我們的弱點。這樣的自我催眠是沒有持久的答案。
如果你和我會以上帝領導我們的方式來處理生活中的責任,並且履行 神 的呼召,那麼這將是一個能誠實評估我們的弱點的方式。換句話說,是有必要的平衡。神的兒女必須消除我們的恐懼,但在同一時間,我們不能放棄我們個人的誠信或謙遜。但要如何?我怎麼能又意識到自己的弱點,又能以實力挺身而出?

上帝的回答:“我可以做到 - 通過你。”
耶利米的答案是,因為上帝造了 耶利米來成就這個任務,所以這個任務 會被完成的。在第 5-6節中有三句話是用過去式:1)我造了你,2)我曉得你,3)我任命你。第 7-8節中有三句話是用現在式:1)我差遣你,2)我吩咐你,3)我與你。在第 8節中一句話是未來式:“我要 拯救 你。”
一次又一次的在整個章節,神 重複,第一人稱,我!這是在這個承諾,上帝給可憐的小耶利米忠告。 “現在,”上帝說,“你 不 要 說 我 是 年 幼 的,我與你同在。

當 神 呼召我們時總是如此。祂像我們保證祂的神聖職權,並以此回答了我們的不足。上帝不告訴我們假裝來做我們不是的人。 祂 以我們現有的,把 祂 加進去。 祂 說,“我的寬恕,我的恩典,我的力量是夠你用。”看 神 的保證是多麼的清楚:
神 的保證
#1: 神 是我們的創造者。 祂知道為什麼創造我們。
在希勒家和他的妻子甚至想過這個問題之前, 神 就計劃耶利米。這在腹中的小孩這將是上帝在這危機時刻的委任人。在耶利米有生活可以計劃前, 神 就已經計劃了耶利米的生活。 “耶利米,你怎麼能說,你不是這工作的合適人選呢?” 早從你在母親的腹中,我就已經規劃你!"
#2:上帝的承諾和我們同在當我們服從 祂。
看第11到12節。上帝給耶利米視覺上的提醒,讓他總是知道他在這呼召中並不孤單。 “杏仁樹”和“看”的聲音在希伯來文中相近。我有時會這麼想,當我有一個困難的講道宣講。 “格雷格,(我聽到上帝說)這是我的話你在宣講,如果你忠實地講道,我會授權於你。事實上,你說教的時候,看看你的手腕上。你看見那個手錶嗎? 每次你看到那個手錶,你就知道我在看著你 (譯 :“手表"與“看"同音)。我與你同在。當你跟著 祂 , 祂 將以類似的方式來和你保證。
#3。神去在我們面前,來向我們保證,祂 的任務會完成。
第 18-19節。 神 不減少祂 給耶利米的負擔。耶利米將一個人對付一個國家。看起來勝算機率很小。但神呼召耶利米成 為“鐵柱,銅牆”。這是耶利米嗎?是的,這是 神 與耶利米同在。
#1:對於有些人不確定如何聽到 神 的呼召 - 我們注意到,通過這一系列講座,上帝以無數的方法 來和我們說話-- 通過天使般的訪客,通過燃燒的荊棘,甚至通過傳教士的斗篷。上帝可以用 祂 想要的方式。畢竟,祂 是神。 我覺得很有意思,大多數人的指標卻是,“我很有平安感”這在聖經中是找不到的。我記得在我服侍的第一座教堂,有一個女人對我說,“格雷格牧師,我知道上帝要領導我離開我丈夫和另一個人再婚。只要他離婚我們就會結婚。我們倆對這個很有平安感。"我告訴她,“不管是什麼平安感,這不是從 神 來的平安感。上帝不會給你平安感來直接違亢 祂 的話語"聽我說:當我們服從神的時候,我們會經歷“超出理解的平安"。當我們正在做的事情是服從 神 的話語,我們有發現內心的正確性,沒有內疚和羞恥。但是,不完美的人用感覺到內心的平安感來做跟隨 神 的指標並不是萬無一失的方法。那麼,我們通常如何辨別 神 的領導呢?祂 和我們講話的主要方式有三:
祂 的話語 - 制定一個閱讀聖經的紀律,按時來聽宣道。神 通過我們最經常的方式就是透過 祂 的話語。· 祂 的精神祈禱 - 我們最需要打破忙碌的模式,需要時間來透過祈禱尋求上帝。注意耶利米常指“主 的話語”來到他身上。這是祈禱的語言。· 祂 的社區(經常是我們聚會在一起,或在我們的小組) - 神給了我們互相彼此。我們感覺到神的號召,經常通過聽聚會中聽到 祂 的話語 - 或者在我們基督徒的朋友和小團體 戶相的忠告中。

#2:被呼召成為宣道士的人 - 如果猶大人民能在這個節股眼投票,他們可能會要一個偉大的政治家或要一個軍士將軍。但 神 說,祂 有更好的人選── 傳教士。更好嗎?是的,猶大國需要一個人,在這一切人民所歷經的事件中,他的嘴唇上説與神的字會帶來真理,信仰和忠誠。

難道你不覺得這就是我們國家需要的,今天在美國教會所需要的嗎?但也許你覺得似乎其他的領域如商業,法律,醫藥,或工程等,有更多的承諾。上帝的確是派許多人到這些領域去。但 神 有一個很好的機會當 祂 把 祂 的話放在人們心中使他們有負擔要對人民宣布時。所以我們當中有些人,可能像耶利米,聽到神向你生命中的呼叫要你講道。不要扼殺它。我們的國家可能不會想到,它需要從 神 來的消息 - 甚至那些去教堂的人(似乎具有諷刺意味)。猶大國就是不這樣想的。


#3:對不願服從的人 - 你可能知道 神在呼召你離開一個不榮耀祂的生活模式-一個你知道是錯誤的事情。但是,你不想放棄它。讓我告訴你:上帝準備要憐憫,原諒你,要使用你。但是, 祂 是神聖的。耶利米要對以色列宣布的是一個聖潔的 神 對人們不肯放下的罪的判決。我告訴你:不要對第17節經文掉以輕心:“起 來 將 我 所 吩 咐 你 的 一 切 話 告 訴 他 們 ; 不 要 因 他 們 驚 惶 , 免 得 我 使 你 在 他 們 面 前 驚 惶 。"世界只有一件事是真正的恐懼 – 那就是使 主不高興的事。當我們畏懼 祂 並尋求榮耀 祂 ,其他所有的恐懼都被拿走了。

#4:對於那些在你面前的任務感到能力不足的人。也許你已被要求在教會中服務; 在工作中為基督發言; 也許上帝要你負擔一個重大的任務。不要說,“我還沒有準備好。”“我太年輕了。”“我太害羞了。”“我太老了。” “我還不夠完善。"相反地,願意踏進你以前從未去過的地方。 聽到 主 說,“不要害怕。我造了你。我差遣你。我與你同在。"


格雷格Waybright 博士



Greg Waybright • Copyright 2012, Lake Avenue Church