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The Call of God: The Story of Elisha

I Kings 19:15-21; 2 Kings2:8-15

  1. In 1 Kings 19:15–16, Elijah was to anoint three men for service to God. Only one was to be a prophet. What does that teach us about God's call upon people's lives?
  2. In 19:19–21, there are clear indicators that Elisha was a wealthy man who was a part of a strong extended family. How could those realities affect the way he would hear God's call to leave everything behind to go into ministry? How do you imagine that his family responded to this call?
  3. Eighteen years passed from the time of Elisha's hearing God's call in 1 King 19 to his assuming the role of prophet in 2 Kings 2:8–15. All that time, Elisha had to serve Elijah faithfully as his apprentice as he waited for God's timing. What do you learn from that? Have you ever experienced times of waiting after you thought you had heard God's call?
  4. In 2 Kings 2:8 & 14, there is a clear reminder that first Elijah and then Elisha were in the line of God's main spokesmen that had begun with Moses. What was this unmistakable confirmation of God's call? Has God ever confirmed his leading in your life?
  5. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from these passages?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church