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  1. In v. 1, we find Moses doing what he did every workday. How would your normal day be described by the Bible? Do you usually seek an encounter with God on those days?
  2. In v. 2, something happened that distracted Moses. What was it? Would it distract you from your usual activity? Have you ever experienced something inexplicable in your usual course of action?
  3. In vv. 3–4, a Hebrew word is used twice, telling us that something turned Moses aside from his normal path. Discuss the kinds of things that might make you turn aside from your usual way of life to consider eternal issues.
  4. In vv. 4–6, God revealed himself to be very personal and holy. He called Moses by name (twice—a way of emphasizing intimacy) and then told Moses not to come closer. Essentially, God said, "I know you and love you—but I am the holy God." What is it like to live in relationship with a God like this?
  5. Is there anything in your own walk with God that has had this kind of "burning bush" turning point?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church