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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 9 - Study Guide

Seeds of Change

Mark 4:1-34


In Mark 4:1–34, Jesus tells three parables related to the kingdom of God. When God has finished his work in the universe, all things will be made right (including our own lives). How will that be? Jesus says that it will be like a seed that is planted.

  1. Read vv. 1–20—both the parable and Jesus' explanation. What was wrong with the first three soils into which the seed of God's Word was planted? How might people respond to God's Word in those ways?
  2. What might make a person more receptive to God's Word like the soil in vv. 8 and 20?
  3. What do you think Jesus' main point is in his second seed parable (vv. 26–29)? What role does the farmer play, and what happens that is outside his control? How is God's work in our lives and in the universe like that?
  4. What is the main point of Jesus' third seed parable in vv. 30–32? Does God's promised work to make everything right seem to be growing slowly in your life? In the world? What does Jesus' parable teach about that?
  5. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from these parables?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church