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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 6 - Study Guide

What Would Make You Happy?

Mark 2:1-12


  1. Put yourself in the place of the man brought to Jesus in Mark 2:3. If he could have been granted one wish, what would he have wished for?
  2. Do you think that the man with a physical need would have been surprised at Jesus' words in 2:5? Why?
  3. How important is it to have a community of people like those in 2:3–4 in times of need? When in your life have you felt that friends carried you?
  4. The religious "authorities" did not like having a pagan authority (i.e., Rome) over them and thought that the Messiah would overturn that political power. Put into your own words how they responded to Jesus' authority.
  5. 5. In vv. 10–11, Jesus made a proclamation about his authority to address people's problems. Do you think what he offered was what the man needed? What the authorities needed? What you need?
  6. Jesus cared not only about the man's spiritual needs but also about his physical needs. How can we demonstrate care for both of these in our own community?
  7. What is the most important lesson you will apply to your life from this Bible text?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church