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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 3 - Study Guide

The Time Has Come

Mark 1:14:20


  1. The "good news of God" (v. 14) is summarized in Jesus' opening words in Mark (v. 15). How would you explain Jesus' words in v. 15 to a friend?
  2. In vv. 16–20, Jesus called two sets of brothers. What was the same about these callings? What was different?
  3. What had to change about the four men's lives when they responded in faith to the call of Jesus? If you had been one of them, what questions would you have liked to ask Jesus before saying yes or no to his call?
  4. Jesus did not only call the men away from things, but he also called them to a task in v. 17. Put that task into your own words.
  5. In v. 20, we are told that the men followed Jesus. Apparently, they did not yet know where he would lead them, and still they followed. How does that apply to people who sense God's call upon their lives today?
  6. What have you learned, and what do you hope to apply from this week's passage?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church