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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 2 - Study Guide

Before the Beginning Can Begin

Mark 1:2–13


  1. Mark wants us as readers to know that God's new beginning announced in 1:1 is part of a much-larger and more-intentional plan from God. How does 1:2–3 demonstrate that? Why do you think that God wants us to know that what he is doing in the world now is a part of a purposeful plan?
  2. Read 1:4–6. What was the heart of John's ministry? Is this still important today?
  3. From 1:7–8, what was the difference between John and Jesus? What do we learn about our own witness to people from John's message?
  4. Describe what you would have thought and felt if you had been present for what happened in 1:9–11. What does this event teach you about Jesus?
  5. 1:12–13 draws upon the Exodus story. Read Hebrews 4:15 too. What does this teach you about Jesus—especially his ability to empathize with us?
  6. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from this study?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church