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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 13


I find that a lot of people are confused about the Bible. Some think that it was all written at the same time. Others think that the Bible is simply a large set of random sayings or pieces of advice. Most have little idea of the great variety of literature that makes up the Bible: narrative, poetry, proverbs, parables, apocalyptic..
In 2013, I want to encourage each of us at Lake Avenue Church to read through the Bible. However, I'm sure that many of us at church are almost as confused about parts of the Bible as are those who rarely go to church. Because of that, I am thankful that the Bible text we come to this first weekend of 2013 is a passage in which we can learn a few lessons directly from Jesus about how the Bible is to be read. The text is Mark 7:1–13. When you read it, you may find that these verses seem to be obscure and irrelevant to a 21st-century reader. Also, you will see how Jesus viewed what we call the Old Testament, i.e., the part of the Bible that modern people have the biggest problems with. So, I'll want you to listen carefully as we consider several things Jesus says:

  • People are supposed to make adjustments to their lives in keeping with the Bible's teaching.
  • We must take time to consider carefully the purpose of each passage rather than simply ripping a verse out of its context.
  • The real goal of Scripture is to lead us to love the One who is at its center.

If you become serious about learning how to the read the Bible in this coming year, I recommend How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart as a good place to start.

And, if you would like to read the Bible through in the coming year, you will find many guides to help you. A few I've found helpful are these:

  • Find a copy of the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. Several devotional books provide insights each day into the readings, including D.A. Carson's For the Love of God.
  • One of the most convenient ways to read the Bible through is to utilize The One Year Bible. This is available either in traditional book or in electronic form and in many Bible translations. (I recommend either the NIV or the ESV.)

To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor