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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 10 - Study Guide


When You Want To Cry Help

Mark 4:35-5:43


In this section, we read four stories of people who experience times of trouble. Read each one and ask the following questions about each:
• What was the problem the people faced?
• What would a similar problem be in our world?
• What did the individuals do in the midst of the problem? What would you have done?
• What difference did Jesus make in the situation?
• What lesson do you learn from the passage?

  1. 4:35–41: The disciples in the boat
  2. 5:1–20: The shackled man and his community
  3. 5:21–24, 35–43: A father and his daughter
  4. 5:25–34: The suffering woman
  5. What do you hope to apply to your life from these biblical reports?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church